Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

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'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

'Owner of the restaurant wanted me to "spy"': Undercover restaurant staffer boldly informs owners about what they need to change

'Owner of the restaurant wanted me to "spy"': Undercover restaurant staffer boldly informs owners about what they need to change

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Nephews flush woman's $30,000 engagement ring and their father refuses to pay or offer any replacement: 'He has refused to pay'

'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

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Customer contacts entitled Karen's boss after she drunkenly accused bartender of stealing her credit card, causing a scene: 'He already told you 3 times you gave him your business card'

After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

‘Enough was enough’: Tired team fired by boss after complaining about unreasonable expectations regarding workload

‘Enough was enough’: Company employees confront management about overwhelming workload, boss fires entire team as a result

'If they wanted flavorless, they were going to get flavorless': Waiter works with chef to serve impolite customer the plainest dish imaginable

'If they wanted flavorless, they were going to get flavorless': Waiter works with chef to serve impolite customer the plainest dish imaginable

Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

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'I'm taking my business elsewhere!': 28 Ungovernable Karen Memes That'll Definitely Ask for Your Manager