'So I started dancing': Hotel managers install cameras to micromanage staff, night worker decides to constantly mess with them

'So I started dancing': Hotel managers install cameras to micromanage staff, night worker decides to constantly mess with them

Accountant forced to cover front desk, coworkers see company salaries on his computer screen, they all quit: 'The other employees were livid'

Accountant forced to cover front desk, coworkers see company salaries on his computer screen, they all quit: 'The other employees were livid'

Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit university visit tour college - 35737605

'None of the students would ever forget that particular tour': Dean demands college students clean science lab, students give visitors an unforgettable demonstration

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner new homeowners neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors real estate Bad Neighbor selling neighbor - 35727621

Demanding homebuyer insists on a spotless house with not a single blade of grass out of place, seller maliciously complies: '[The neighbors] were thrilled to take it'

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work safety first workplace safety workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35667205

'They told me its too dangerous out there': Worker maliciously complies and plays games in the breakroom after company cheaps out on safety equipment

Cheezburger Image 35707653

'I stopped offering to help': Management criticizes optical store receptionist for helping patients, receptionist refuses to do any work outside of the front desk

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

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'[I] told them I'd take the write-up': Managers include employee's suspension notice in weekly schedule

hoa neighbors parking space parking lot parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35727365

Entitled neighbor refuses to move their car, tow truck moves it for them: '[I] called up the tow company and watched'

 'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

Petty driver gets back at annoying teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Petty driver gets back at entitled teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'