'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

35 pie chart memes that capture the worst adulting habits

35 Pie Chart Memes That Capture the Worst Adulting Habits

neighbors entitlement drama neighborhood-drama couples landscape scam entitled family property reddit thread Reddit - 35655173

'She paid insurance and taxes for years': Couple discovers after 40 years they were scammed, realizing they only own half their land and have been paying to maintain neighbor's property

'[He] liked to dip his hands into the sugar... the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

'He left sugar fingerprints on everything...the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35692293

Homeowners discover their neighbors have been hosting unauthorized 4th of July pool party celebrations at their house for years while they're away on holiday: 'Now do we confront the neighbors'

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

customer service ask reddit karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 35670533

30+ People share the biggest public tantrums they've witnessed from adults: 'She actually stamped her foot and said we had ruined her Christmas'

Customer gets owned when an employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills for a funny retaliation

‘Such a boss move in my opinion’: Entitled customer throws tantrum over cashier checking their $100 bill, so employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

employee entitlement satisfying job malicious compliance petty revenge couples baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit business funny entitled people - 35636997

'Boomer went into a full-on rage, probably partially from being put in his place by a woman': Entitled customer ignores signs and claims couple cut in line, worker backs up couple

'Go have a word with the captain...Tell him who you are': 20+ Wealthy people who were so out of touch with reality

'Go have a word with the captain...Tell him who you are': 20+ Wealthy people who were so out of touch with reality

landlord malicious compliance tenant petty revenge - 35628037

Landlord suddenly makes angry demands after 11-year relationship, tenants force him to follow through on all repairs in return: 'He showed up unannounced, walked inside and proceeded to yell at us in front of our kids"