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'She instantly went into entitled Karen mode': Train passenger refuses to give up seat, gets stuck with rowdy teen boys

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

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'He told me I'd have to figure it out': Teen stops driving altogether to get back at father's strict rules, dad immediately regrets it

'I'm not okay with this': Partner advocates for location tracking of all lawyers in the firm, associate refuses

'I'm not okay with this': Partner advocates for location tracking of all lawyers in the firm, associate refuses

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Cell tower technician forbidden from using competitor's phone, leaving them unable to communicate while working on site, leading to boss's firing: 'You can't use a competitors phone!'

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Company offers unlimited PTO, but one coworker can't stop throwing shade every time an employee takes a day off: 'This is why the US has a toxic workaholic culture'

Cheezburger Image 36840453

'I ended up having to buy a new computer': 20+ Airline travel horror stories

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‘I paid $100,000 for this pool’: Entitled girlfriend complains that a homeowner's kids are splashing too much in their private pool, Super Dad comes to their defense by telling her to kick rocks

Student trickster uses his kindness to get a 10/10 on a school project he doesn't contribute to, in a tasteful turn of events that makes this petty revenge wholesome

‘The least you could do is repay me’: Student is left to do the heavy lifting for a school project, decides to trick his group mate into getting him a 10/10 on their next project and ends up on top

'We have to fire you because you are too expensive': Employee gets fired, demands compensation for a full year then starts working for competitor

'We have to fire you because you are too expensive': Employee gets fired, demands compensation for a full year then starts working for competitor

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Your Honor, 21 Courtroom Memes That the Jury Unanimously Finds Hilarious

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

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'Nobody at my gym cleans the dumbbells': 20 Gym gripes for people who don't hog the machines

Top 15+ Embarrassing Spelling Mistakes: 'Looks can be this evening boy I tell ya'

Top 15+ Embarrassing Spelling Mistakes: 'Looks can be this evening boy I tell ya'

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'He hits the Aston Martin in front of him — hard. I was... dying of laughter': 20+ Drivers who got instant karma

Candidate shares nonsensical job application from toxic recruiter: 'Are you normal?'

Candidate shares nonsensical job application from toxic recruiter: 'Are you normal?'