'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

Don't mess with college kids–what they lack in financial resources, they make up for in social alliances.
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Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Please select why you were away from your computer'

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Someone somewhere is watching idle time carefully'

No one enjoys feeling watched at work. Sure, your manager is meant to monitor your progress and your ability to complete tasks and responsibilities on time. That being said, installing spyware to track things like idle time on one's work laptop for even the shortest of breaks is a bit excessive, to say the least. This employee was in the middle of a Teams meeting when he was prompted by a pop-up on his work laptop to answer why he stepped away from his computer. His managers claimed they had no…
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management weekend memes employment issues boss hilarious worker employee manager job relatable memes work memes workweek bosses coworkers funny memes employees funny employment in the workplace - 35254789

28 Hilarious Work Memes for Employees Counting Down Until the Weekend

We're almost there; the weekend is just around the corner! It's so much harder to enjoy work in the summer. Unlike winter, when everyone stays indoors due to the cold, in summer, we just want to be outside soaking up the sun. It's hard to be cooped up in the office all day, especially when the best weather has passed by the time we leave work at 5 p.m. We usually find ourselves staring out of the window, daydreaming about being outside, wishing we could spend the whole day in the sun instead...
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boss hilarious tech support employee funny screenshots job relatable memes work memes coworkers technology funny memes it employees computer company funny employment information technology - 35257093

28 Funny Technology Memes for the Employees Desperately in Need of Tech Support

Technology has made our jobs both easier and harder at the same time. Why? Because technology often has a mind of its own and decides to work on its own terms. It can be so frustrating when you're trying to get work done, and the internet goes out or some issue with your computer interferes with your progress. Back in the 90s, a quick kick to the side of the modem would usually fix the problem, but it's not that simple nowadays. It's also frustrating when the tech team takes an average of fiv...
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‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

Some people really can't take ‘no’ for an answer, and that was the case for this person who declined a job offer, only to be called multiple times by the same person who was shouting at them to turn up for their shift. But let's backtrack for a second. The person in question is called OP — OP had a second interview for a marketing position at a new firm, and the interview went well, leading to a trial shift. It became very clear that the job wasn't actually marketing at all… instead, it was doo…
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'I gave this dumpster fire the professional treatment': Voice-over artist reads entire badly-edited book for client, book still gets approved for release

'I gave this dumpster fire the professional treatment': Voice-over artist reads entire badly-edited book for client, book still gets approved for release

This voice-over artist is clearly a professional. When they noticed typos in a book they were going to read aloud for a client, they fixed the typos for him. Sounds simple, right? That was a kind thing for u/pumaFGT to do, actually. They were taking on more work than they needed to for no extra charge. Too bad their client was annoyed at the way the book turned out… Up next, these people revealed the baffling reasons they got in trouble, like one person who shared that, “In driver's education I…
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Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that giving two weeks is a courtesy, not a requirement. If you do end up quitting without giving two weeks, that does not mean you are relinquishing any other prior rights as an employee. To translate to this specific scenario, your boss cannot dock your final pay because of your choice to quit on the spot. In this instance, we have a fast food employee who used to work at a very well-known establishment famous for its donuts (if you catch our drift).…
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Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

It takes a thick skin to be your own boss, especially when you're working with the craziest clients imaginable. U/boobook-boobook knows that all too well after their run-in with a client who knew exactly what she wanted, no changes allowed. While we're on the subject of hilarious misspellings and misunderstandings, check out these very funny ones, like one person who tried to sound out “grand scheme” and instead wrote, “It is a very small issue in the gran stephen things.”
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Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Being a stepdad may not be the easiest job, but it should never get so rough that one feels the need to sabotage an upcoming family vacation. That's exactly what happened when this dude stole and hid his 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport just days before an all-family trip organized by his wife. First of all, the entire point of the trip in the wife's eyes was to build a stronger family dynamic between her husband, her daughter, and her stepsons. Obviously, trying to exclude his stepdaughter…
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‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

Everyone wants to have a good relationship with their coworkers. Some employees spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their actual spouses, and being able to consider those people as great friends is extremely important to the work experience. That is why, like any other relationship in your life, you should treat your coworker with respect, so that you can all feel comfortable around each other in the office. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the coworkers in this Reddi…
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boomer boomers karen karens gen x doctor doctors office receptionist appointment silly argument goofy story reddit

'Just find me in the system!': Boomer refuses to share their name at the doctor's office to schedule an appointment, gripes about the receptionist's ability to search for their 'account' without any info

In this story, a Karen struggles with the chicken and the egg paradox.
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'Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide': Contract worker fired after supervisor insists they work faster

'Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide': Contract worker fired after supervisor insists they work faster

At some workplaces, you're encouraged to ask questions, while at others, the bosses take it as a sign of incompetence. After that, these people revealed the funniest things they've ever gotten in trouble for, like one baffled person who shared that “ At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket … on my bike.”
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neighbors neighborhood homeowner homeownership neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories karens in the wild Bad Neighbor karen story karen neighbor - 35262213

Karen Neighbor complains about adjoining fence, Homeowner removes it meaning she can no longer let her hyperactive dog outside: 'The look on her face was priceless!'

It's always terrible when a new neighbor moves in who disrupts the peaceable existence that you had enjoyed for so long before. Whereas once you had enjoyed your steaming cup of morning coffee out on the front porch on cold sunny winter mornings, watching your breath ascend towards the endless blue sky as the world wakes up around you, now you're introduced to their loud cars, barking dogs, and screaming conversation that punctuate an otherwise carefree life. Worse, whereas once there was coope…
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petty revenge reddit thread bike bikes cyclist bicycle bicycles bicyclist driver driving delivery drive commute payback deserved road rage revenges accident

Cyclist serves up instant karma on a road-raging lunatic after he nearly causes a bike crash: 'I could see him raging and banging his steering wheel'

Don't mess with a cyclist in a bike-friendly town or you'll feel the wrath of a bipedal vigilante with a bone to pick.
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Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

This cranky neighbor suffers from such a serious case of main character syndrome that she has the audacity to crash and ruin a kid's birthday party. There are many layers to her uncalled-for behavior, starting with the fact that she refuses to engage with these residents because they are renters and now owners. Next, there's the fact that she refuses to let folks park in front of her house despite the fact that it's free street parking that she has absolutely no jurisdiction over. Still, people…
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‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

When one starts looking for a job, there are numerous ways to increase the chances of finding the best job out there. One can even find actual online courses on how to job search, which include lessons like – how to write resumes, prepare for an interview, negotiate the salary, and so on. One tip that you hear quite a lot when it comes to negotiating your salary, is to say to the hiring manager that you actually got another offer that is higher than what they offered, in hopes that the hiring m…
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