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'Behind the photos is always a... sham': 20+ Ways people declare "I want attention!" on social media

'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

‘Is it fair?’: 17-year-old son forced to act like the parent after unemployed step-dad and pushover mom use up all of his personal savings, gives them a talking to and vows to move out

‘Is it fair?’: 17-year-old son forced to act like the parent after unemployed stepdad and pushover mom use up all of his personal savings, gives them a talking to and vows to move out

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‘I ordered 2 appetizers and 2 main dishes': Broke intern over-orders at the work lunches to prove a point about splitting the bill evenly, coworkers get the memo after weeks of paying $40+ for someone else's food

'I want to speak to the memeager!': 23 More Than Mid Memes for When You Encounter a Karen

'I want to speak to the memeager!': 23 More Than Mid Memes for When You Encounter a Karen

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Property owner gets 3 of the entitled neighbor's cars towed after they presumptuously park in his garage without permission: 'It cost [him] $1,000'

‘I wish I had left sooner’: Award-winning educator feels guilty for quitting teaching after 10 years due to ‘burnout,' however, other teachers are applauding him

‘I wish I had left sooner’: Award-winning educator feels guilty for quitting teaching after 10 years due to ‘burnout,' however, other teachers are applauding him

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'She instantly went into entitled Karen mode': Train passenger refuses to give up seat, gets stuck with rowdy teen boys

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

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'He told me I'd have to figure it out': Teen stops driving altogether to get back at father's strict rules, dad immediately regrets it

'I'm not okay with this': Partner advocates for location tracking of all lawyers in the firm, associate refuses

'I'm not okay with this': Partner advocates for location tracking of all lawyers in the firm, associate refuses

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Cell tower technician forbidden from using competitor's phone, leaving them unable to communicate while working on site, leading to boss's firing: 'You can't use a competitors phone!'

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Company offers unlimited PTO, but one coworker can't stop throwing shade every time an employee takes a day off: 'This is why the US has a toxic workaholic culture'

Cheezburger Image 36840453

'I ended up having to buy a new computer': 20+ Airline travel horror stories

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‘I paid $100,000 for this pool’: Entitled girlfriend complains that a homeowner's kids are splashing too much in their private pool, Super Dad comes to their defense by telling her to kick rocks