Vegan kicks out boyfriend's daughter for disrespecting her diet, and the internet weighs in | AITA evicting my boyfriend's daughter disrespecting my vegan lifestyle? Everyone Sucks Amy (19) and have never gotten along well but she did recently took cake have followed strict vegan diet 12 years now s something very important Amy is not unaware this. Her father and her have lived with my house now 2 years and she has never had right attitude

Strict Vegan Kicks Out Boyfriend's Daughter for Tampering with Their Food

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Wife gets back at her cheating husband by racking up a big credit card debt | r/ProRevenge post by Violetteashes Wife gets back at cheating husband. This didn't happen but had witnessed/ experienced use work front office an Ashley Homestore gotten call closing one night and just myself at office, sales manager, and couple sales working floor

Wife Gets Back At Cheating Husband By Racking Up Credit Debt

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Mechanics share dumb things people did to their own cars | Had customer once who had their oil light come on and couldn't figure out top oil up. He thought might have worked like his boat motor so he poured jug oil his fuel tank.

Dumb Things People Did to their Own Cars

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Artist's take on modern art industry stemming from artist who ate expensive banana art | banana taped wall sold at an art exhibit 120,000.00 This guy walked up, peeled back, and ate police are looking into filing charges. Man eats $120,000 banana Art Basel exhibit. question is art, is certainly an intriguing one. One fine art world has recently tried define as banana with duct tape see this answer as cynical, boring and one continues harm our culture perceives as pinnacle visual/fine art. If wer

Artist Provides Take on the "120K Banana" Fiasco

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toys technology ridiculous Video win - 100950017

Chopped Furby Gets A Terrifying Upgrade

Phenomenal song choice.
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Person almost breaks up parents by downloading tinder on mom's phone to sell feet pics | TIFU by almost ruining my parent's marriage This happened today. Just few minutes ago fact bit context got banned tinder few years ago selling feet pics (oops) but recently single and wanted get back game.

Foot Pic Seller Almost Ruins Parents Marriage

The unintended consequences of running your own business.
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A collection of brands share what kinds of jokes they can get away with on Twitter | Kraft Macaroni Cheese Can take anywhere between 7-10 minutes.

Brands Share Dirty Jokes They Can Get Away With

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Parent has a very strange request for a short man under 5 feet to fulfill | Hello Hello! Who is this? This is Isaac responding personal posted looking date. Do have any pics?

Parent Has Absurd Request For Shorter Man To Fulfill

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Funny metal music memes | Rob Zombie is just Hot Topic Randy Savage.  death metal fans thrash metal fans Doom metal fans Black Sabbath kicks ass.

Brutal Metal Memes That Were Maiden The Fires of Hell

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A collection of AskReddit replies to people sharing their favorite insults | admire everyone who hasn't met yet

People Share Their Favorite Insults

These are creative as they are brutal.
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A collection of funny tweets from various people on Twitter | tweet by notalogin Friend: Pics or didn't happen Picasso: Here Friend: Ok doesn't actually clear anything up

Comedy Gold From People On Twitter

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Stories of bad parent teacher conferences | She had received 97% on an essay, and she and her mother were both tears demanding be reprimanded and re- trained unfair grading policies think my mouth agape entire time.

Teachers Share Their Worst Parent-Teacher Conferences

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history military soldiers ridiculous Video - 100942081

Shellshock Victim Has Involuntary Reaction Hearing Word "Bomb"

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adorable awesome cute Video animals win - 100941825

Porcupine Makes Sound Like He's Talking

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Guy gets high school bully fired 10 years later in act of masterful revenge | r/AmltheAsshole AITA getting my highschool bully fired? Everyone Sucks

Guy Gets High School Bully Fired In Act Of Revenge

That bully ended up getting it in the end.
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A loving mom decides to take her depressed son out of school | tweet by callhertiti My brother getting depressed because school he 3rd grade clear he going through My mom said fuck shit, went school and told principal she's taking her son out school until he feels like himself again

Loving Mom Takes Depressed Son Out Of School

Listen to your kids!
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