Person discovers secret family fudge recipe is just from a can and thinks about what to do next | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by absolutirony WIBTA if told my family our "secret family recipe" came side can? Growing up every year around holidays my mom would make fudge story this amazing fudge recipe came her grandma who snagged famous candy maker. My mom didn't get recipe until she an adult and were always told couldn't have until were 30.

Person Discovers Secret Family Recipe Came from a Can

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Tumblr thread on farm animals and procedures on them takes a dark turn when someone explains how pigs are omnivores | ratcoded who else is didn't realize sheep have long tails until like 20 club. row of sheep walking in a green field in front of a blue sky

Tumblr Thread On Farm Animals Takes A Dark Turn

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A collection of tweets from women describing the red flags that they get from guys on dating apps | tweet by Danielle elleinadspir  My recent fav "married but not into monogamy" wonder his wife knows he's not into Thanks pass.

Women Tweet Red Flags From Dudes On Dating Apps

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A collection of ridiculous stuff that mom groups say on Facebook | Is ok eat cinnamon rolls while pregnant?

Ridiculous Stuff That Mom Groups Say On Facebook

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A strange and dark Public Service Announcement featuring Cats the Musical made in the 80s.

"Cats" Driving PSA from the 80s is Freaky and Vividly Dark

A lot of strange choices were made.
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Mom teases crazy mom Facebook groups with a ridiculous post | So accurate Why OH WHY do insist on staying mom groups on Facebook s like train wreck can't quite look away

Woman Hilariously Mocks Mom Facebook Groups

This is painfully accurate.
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A collection of blessed images that will bring wholesome vibes to your world | tiny dog's head peeking from a person's bag in an elevator. fluffy underwater slug with bunny ears. tweet by sillypeachy been having rough week but then remember sea bunnies and then feel better

Blessed Images To Light Up The World With Wholesome

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Real life optical illusions made by strange perspective | young girl holding a bag of popcorn that looks exactly like the dry grass she's standing on making her look like she has abnormally thin legs. cat sitting across a person's arm while they're using the computer making it appear as if the person's hand is going through the cat's body

Confusing Images of Abundant Double-Takery

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Employee gets fake fired to combat bad customers | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by throwRA-fhfsveyary AITA pretending get fired customers get temper with Not hole am high schooler with weekend job at coffee shop. My coworkers who work weekends are:

Smart Employee Gets Fake Fired to Prank Awful Customers

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Askreddit of people who had strange house rules growing up | posted by anxiousjellybean My mum used pay be my own babysitter between ages 10-14 or so rule as long as didn't make mess and put myself bed by time she got home then got $10 morning.

House Rules People Thought Were Normal Until They Grew Up

You take a lot of things for granted as a kid.
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Stupid design fails made by people who had one job | red haired child holding a water gun backwards. wooden pillar blocking the way in a hall.

Dumb Design Fails Made by People Who Had One Job

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A collection of helpful life hacks from back in the 90s | a4 paper printed with direction and taped to a car's dashboard. Use sites like MapQuest print directions where heading, Never get lost again!

Nostalgic 90s Life Hacks

Oh how the times have changed.
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Soldier performs bad stand up to Taliban detainees, almost commits war crime | Posted by itspeterj TIFU by almost committing war crime. Obligatory not today. This about 10 years ago started doing stand up army Afghanistan, actually started telling stories around fire at night, but eventually started doing shows chow hall

Soldier Almost Commits War Crime By Performing His Stand-Up to Captive Audience

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Guy tells a ridiculous story of his experience playing Skyrim, and how he unintentionally adopted a dog | tweet by PatrickLenton worst part Skyrim found dog whose owner died cabin, and then course had adopt dog bc not monster

Guy's Skyrim Story Is An Emotional Rollercoaster

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Dad jokes, puns and stupid jokes | reallyfunnyshortjokes got words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza" confused. Now hot water with Japanese mafia. flowisaconstruct didn't want like ButI did.

A Ration of Puns to Satiate Those Wordplay Cravings

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Domino's pizza delivery guy ends up saving another guy from getting stabbed by his psycho ex-girlfriend | ALWAYS choose Domino's over pizza hut had been having trouble with my now EX- girlfriend quite awhile won't go into details, but let's just say she went crazy thought, simple: l'll just break off. Wrong.

Domino's Pizza Delivery Hero Saves Guy From Psycho Ex

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