A collection of AskReddit replies to people that used to work for MLM's and pyramid schemes | posted by Trawhe My recruiter told she made $400 at party at later learned she made 25 told if could get 2 people under would make $400-$500 per month. Then told needed 4 people instead 2. Then 2,000 debt with nothing show Deleted them all and changed my phone number.

Ex-MLM Members And Recruiters Share Their Stories

The shadiness is strong with these stories.
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Couple gets into an argument over a lobster dinner and it ends up going viral on Twitter | Don't ask want eat then tell pick something else ever again don't like way talk at all offering get food going out my way do so also get want sorry this time can't

Couple's Fight Over Lobster Dinner Goes Viral

This guy's a piece of work.
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Guy gets back at girl who uses him | r/ProRevenge posted by redberryberry Sticking girl who's been using with fat bill really liked this girl while met at lifeguard certification course, and talked her while there and thought ended up hitting off exchanged numbers and social media and all and messaged few weeks before asked her out movie, which she accepted

Guy Gets Back At Girl Who Uses Him

She had it coming!
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video following a guy who decides to host a Christmas dinner party to fifty strangers alone for the holidays

Guy Hosts Christmas Dinner For 50 Lonely Strangers

A thing of absolute beauty!
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funny interview sir ian mckellen gandalf magneto does impression of dame maggie smith mcgonagall

Sir Ian McKellen Does An Epic Maggie Smith Impression

This is amazing!
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Cringeworthy people who think they're very intelligent |  just spent most my Saturday reading loads Shakespeare plays and sonnets, and honestly don't see all fuss is about wrote better pieces work 5 minutes, his style is so outdated and simplistic s honestly laughable he is so highly regarded his work reminds stuff seen pre schoolers do lol. Not trying say bad person if enjoy his works guess my mind is more complex comes stuff like haha

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Believe They're Geniuses

Ruining a comments section near you!
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Texts from dads after being told their kid put olive oil in their car | tweet by thedad Text dad this now 's makin weird sounds Post replies. IMPORTED 100% Pure Olive Oil. 100% Pure Olive Oil IMPORTED put oil my car and now 's makin weird sou nds? Does sound like olives can Lol Delivered Now have drain olive out

Dads Respond to Being Told Their Kid Put Olive Oil in their Car

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Various surprises from spouses after couples got married | apex18 posted by She's always leaving lids on everything un- screwed, and guess who is always breaking jars because he always picks everting thing up using lid?

Surprises From Spouses After Couples Got Married

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Bride's family demands money back from insane entitled bride who cancelled wedding | family member Is this a fucking joke???? After raking in $30k you decide to be greedy and use it all for yourselves? bride' s friend Pam what did I tell you about day drinking. In all seriousness, is the wedding really cancelled? I've already gotten the time off for Dec. 1 which is less than a month away Rich Uncle You aren't responding to my calls or texts so I'm just going to tell you: You are to return my

Bride Implodes On Facebook After Keeping $30K In Gifts from Cancelled Wedding

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Woman asks people on Reddit whether she was rude for complaining about a funeral guest's outfit | AITA telling stranger her funeral outfit inappropriate? Not hole My great grandmother passed away few days ago and her funeral with this morning. High Roman Catholic Mass. She 103. One my cousins Joseph brought his girlfriend "Raven" They're both 19 and if my Aunt Sandy is be believed

Woman Tells Stranger At Funeral That Her Outfit Was Inappropriate

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courtney love on red carpet 2005 event interview warning young actresses of harvey weinsten

Courtney Love Warning Actresses Of Harvey Weinstein In 2005

She really wasn't joking.
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incriminating footage from body camera of a cop impersonator that eventually gets him caught

Fake Cop On Power Trip Gets Caught

He really enjoys yelling at people in cars that can't hear him.
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An angry bride uninvites wedding guests over a bad weather drama | r/bridezillas posted by International-Aside Bride Uninvites Guests Over Bad Weather Edit: Guess wedding shower, not bridal shower distinction without difference terms end result, though still wanted clarify. Bride has uninvited people who didn't make bridal wedding shower due winter weather. She posted on FB Yesterday an eye opener and

Bride Uninvites Wedding Guests Over Bad Weather

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A collection of wins and fails from various people on Tinder | Do collect silverware? not on purpose? Darn mean don't not collect silverware just little confused about why asking

Tinder Fails And Wins From Hopeless Romantics And Lost Causes

Tinder is more ridiculous than ever.
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Writer of men in black told not to mansplain the story he wrote | tweet by ed solomon At cafe where l'm writing people next were disagreeing about origins Men Black said If like could clear up one responded sorry do not need an old white male's mansplanation So apologized and

Writer of Men In Black Told Not To Mansplain Men In Black, Has Happy Ending

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Bride demands that her brother change his appearance to look less like the groom | AITA not changing beard or wearing glasses just because somewhat look like groom at wedding? Long time lurker first post yay So close family member is getting married soon have been told either grow my beard out lot,

Bride Demands Brother Change Appearance To Look Less Like The Groom

This is all kinds of weird.
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