Twitter story of horrible hipster guest who put vinegar in all the drinks | tweet by Sarah Gailey O gaileyfrey Who wants hear story Worst Party Guest Ever hope do because this is happening So at this party. Brunch party because all my friends are insufferable hipsters bring an ASSORTMENT juices mimosa bar

Author's Story of a Horrible Hipster Party Guest

Vinegar is for pickles and barbecue sauce.
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Guy on Twitter describes his very frustrating experience trying to use his health insurance | tweet by AdamWeinstein Them copay CT scan will be $500 Whaaaat? No way. Who'd talk at my insurance? Them s cash self-pay rate, if don't use insurance? Them: Uh 300

Guy On Twitter Details Infuriating Medical Insurance Experience

What a mess.
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Woman claps back against rude guy on dating app with an insult of her own | Damn are stunning but afraid spend more time drinking/partying/on Insta than relationship lol absolutely right, Rob. lol who says cant judge someone based off couple pics haha

Woman Claps Back At Rude Guy On Dating App

You fail, Rob.
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Horrible and stupid names people gave kids | posted by MelyssaRave My neighbor 12th kid. His parents named him Twelver gotta be worst ever seen.

Horrible Names People Encountered

If you see your name in here, all you can do is blame your parents.
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A heartwarming story about a mom suffering a stroke and getting clutch care in a crucial moment | tweet by Liam Healy drliamhealy "Mammy's not well" 5 year old Priya has FaceTimed her Dad, Damian, using family iPad. Damian is on his way work s been busy few weeks family.

Heartwarming Story About Mom Surviving A Stroke

Clutch care in a crucial moment!
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Choosing beggar is ridiculous unreasonable with their demands regarding a blanket | Hey blankets are amazing do do commissions? Hello? Hi! Sorry been out town with my fiance. Haven't been on Instagram much

Choosy Beggar Is The Peak Of Unreasonable

It's hard to believe that people like this actually exist.
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An actor throws a vase on the ground but it bounces and shatters on a cameraman.

Prop Bounces Off Set, Shatters On Cameraman

You don't expect a vase to bounce like this.
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cool monster truck front flip awesome trick

Monster Truck Successfully Lands First Front-Flip Ever

Well that was cool.
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Guy gets bombarded with wrong number texts that think they're texting someone else |  Jaz it is Alan. Hi Alan! Sorry didn't reply been really busy with my career

Cars Salesman Gets Bombarded With Ridiculous Wrong Number Texts

This is definitely not the number these guys were looking for.
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Person trolls vegan by telling them they eat meat on an annual cheat year | Just like ur vegan well mean have annual cheat year so Ok 's even worse Wait annual

Vegan Trolled with Concept of Annual Cheat Year

It's not that complicated.
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Tutor tries to maliciously target students and ends up getting taken down in a pro revenge | r/ProRevenge posted by theraria Tutor maliciously targeted students, so collected an army, and took him down not one revenge personally but this is something happened College (UK college) and 's something and friends love reminisce over time time.

Tutor Maliciously Targets Students, Ends Up Getting Taken Down

This terrible tutor had it coming!
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Tumblr discussion on diluting holy water | Here's jug Pope water looks like. Mom measured fill line on them so never accidentally run out. shelf with cleaning supplies and a jug of water labeled with a marker. same jug on a chair.

Tumblr's Short Discussion on Diluting Holy Water

Apparently there are rules to it?
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A homeless person tells a brutally honest and troubling story about the Salvation Army | tweet by milknmuffins Hey. As homeless person staying at salvation army shelter Please don't donate salvation army

Homeless Person's Troubling Story About Salvation Army

The more you know!
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Experiences that feel satisfying and good | posted by dfin25 Taking off socks after long day work and scratching where elastic band sat all day.

Non-Sex Experiences That Feel Amazing

Man, you ever get a good night's sleep?
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A collection of wins and fails from various people on the Tinder dating app | Say potato if real Today happens if say tomato Then l'll know has advanced too far

Tinder Fails And Wins From The World's Lot Of Hopeless Romantics

Good old Tinderers are determined to find love or just troll people with terrible pickup lines.
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Obvious stuff that people realized way too late | posted by weakenedstrain 42 here song Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid and egg never knew why Robin would lay and egg seemed so random and weird Just this winter, walking down hallway at work finally clicked into place: Robins are birds. Birds lay eggs. Yep. Sharp tack over here.

Obvious Stuff People Learned Way Too Recently

Sometimes things make sense.
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