A collection of Twitter replies to what movies always make people cry | tweet by Femmetastic3 Replying PickardJE know pathetic but scene Mama Mia they sing Slipping Through My Fingers.

Movie Scenes That Always Make People Cry

People are sharing those movie scenes that just get to them.
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Hold music on a phone that sounds horrible.

Some Absymal Hold Music

It's as if their strategy is to force callers to hang up.
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BJ Novak cadbrry eggs are being made smaller

BJ Novak Highlights How Shrinkflation Is Real

BJ Novak is the hero that this world deserves.
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A collection of crazy images from Newfoundland's snowstorm of the century | person standing with raised arms in a narrow corridor dug through snow. black dog standing on a mound of snow and looking over a fence.

Apocalyptic Images From Newfoundland's Storm Of The Century

Record breaking snow in Newfoundland made for quite the photoshoot.
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A rude customer at Target decides to publicly shame a Target employee, and it backfires on him in a big way | tweet by David Leavitt This target manager Tori is not honoring price their items per massachusetts law

Prick Customer Publicly Shames Target Employee, It Backfires

David underestimated the power of some kindhearted people.
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Guy goes and sees "Cats" movie on shrooms and ends up having a terrible time | tweet by Rob Sheridan T-minus 30 minutes. Things are getting weird. Not really sure strong these mushrooms are so just guessed. My Mom took see touring production cats kid and all remember is HATED long into film will last before have panic atttack

Guy Sees "Cats" On Shrooms, Has A Bad Time

Ideas don't get much worse than this.
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Stories and moments of children being strange idiots | yahoo answers Undecided Question Dumbest rumor heard about yourself? asked by neleigh Vote Best Answer Answerer 1 middle school people were saying home schooled. Even though went school.

Proof that Children are Strange and Stupid

They learn. Slowly.
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A collection of science diagrams that look like ridiculous sh*tposts | Field Guide Roadside Wildflowers At Full Speed Chris Helzer Prairie Ecologist blurry photo of flowers. Long-footed given this wildebeest human feet. Comparing with other one will see just long-footed they really are.

Science Diagrams That Look Like Sh*tposts

Yay, science!
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guy rev match automatic cringe car wtf

Guy Believes He's Rev Matching His Automatic Transmission

He's literally just ruining his automatic transmission.
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A collection of funny roasts regarding Rob Lowe's ridiculous NFL hat | tweet by AndyJOseph Rob Lowe is literally only person who owns an NFL hat FOX CHAMPIONSHIP TIMEOUT PACKERS crowd in sports event men wearing hats

Twitter Roasts Rob Lowe For His NFL Hat, He Responds

It's the ultimate dad hat.
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Trashy, cringeworthy and irresponsible behavior | awkward moment thermostat is actually just hanging on nail, and doesn't control temperature whatsoever. Shout out best landlords ever.

Trashy Moments Straight from The Garbage Factory

Trashiness can come from anywhere.
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Student takes pro revenge on classmate | r/ProRevenge posted by MurderousSolutions doomed fail, so classmate with took my TL;DR on backstory Stuck project group, one members is lazy asshole who's already failed year once, other two were good eggs; lazy asshole makes getting remotely respectable grade extraordinarily difficult are forced stick together. Skip Revenge Begins actual revenge.

Student Takes Epic Pro Revenge On Lazy Classmate

Class dismissed indefinitely for this student!
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A collection of annoying sayings from parents that drive kids insane | tweet by mickredsun My maw says like talking blank wall instead like talking brick wall and correct her she claims both ways are acceptable. They aren't. They just aren't.

Trivial Sayings From Parents That Annoy People

Every parent has that one saying that drives the kids nuts.
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Weird Burger king commercial features a man eating a hamburger like a snake.

Guy Eats Like A Snake In Old Korean Burger King Commercial

It has its own song.
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The differences in different cultures food according to tumblr | thirdtimecharmed american recipes: buy these three cans stuff and put them pan congrats cooked. altonzm french recipes: if not making this paris then 's point. fuck italian recipes: use left leg meat pig one three farms this specific area tuscany, or this day my grandmother will begin manifesting

Tumblr Thread Dives into Peculiarities of Recipes in Different Cultures

Every cuisine has its own thing.
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Woman has beer for first time after being in jail for 60 days and starts to cry.

Reality Show Participant's First Mouthful of Beer after 60 Days in Jail

This feels more heart-wrenching than it should be.
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