cool technology adam savage spot robot ai artificial intelligence test

Adam Savage Tests Out Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot

Here's to hoping these bots never turn on us.
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video of lyft driver not letting passenger out of car

Lyft Driver Refuses To Let Passenger Out

This Lyft driver was clearly having a bad day.
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Guy decides to cut his books in half to make them more portable, and Twitter users debate whether that's okay | tweet by alex_christofi Yesterday my colleague called book murderer because cut long books half make them more portable. Does anyone else do this? Is just me

Guy Cuts Books In Half, Twitter Debates Moral Implications

This guy's either a madman or a genius.
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Concierge for the super rich people shares his juiciest stories working with clients on Reddit | posted by gambigirl are common physical attributes affluent people building along lines 1000 shoes ResidentialConcierge High Quality perfume. They all fucking smell good.

Concierge For Super Rich People Dishes Out Juiciest Stories

The super rich definitely live up to some of the stereotypes.
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Weird moments of copies in real life and other things that look like a real life glitch | person in a grey patch coat that matches the brick road they're walking on. cat with striped fur in a pattern that looks like a cat's head

Visually Interesting Images that Look Like Real-Life Glitches

Strange moments and coincidental patterns.
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Woman on Twitter live tweets her experience seeing "Cats" the movie outdoors | tweet by Brydie Lee-Kennedy BrydieLK come an open air screening Cats and no one else is here

Woman Live Tweets Open Air Screening Of "Cats" Movie

Nature intervened.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to very lucky life moments experienced by people | posted by Skim_Cheese bumped into my teacher on Thunder Mountain Disney World Boston

One In A Million Life Moments For Lucky People

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to how people would handle designing "Mehven." A place meant for kind of good, but not great people | posted by Mecha_Genghis_Khan There's McDonalds but ice cream machine is still broken.

Ways People Would Design "Mehven"

Mehven's where the kind of good but not great people end up.
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jfk phone call chews out roasts military officer for buying overpriced baby crib

John F. Kennedy Chews Out Military Officer Over $5K Crib Purchase

He was not stoked.
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A collection of brutal and creative insults that left people destroyed | Dude went looking like heartthrob highschool vampire romance novel author same novel. Tshegofatso mbongomuffin May die before my genes ever even try do like this. Amen.

Rare Insults That Left People Ruined

Clever as they are absolutely brutal.
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A collection of fails, wins, and pickup lines from various people on Tinder | tweet by Yoni Gootgarts OfficialYoniG Today sat next girl on bus and watched her swipe left on on tinder

Tinder Jokes, Fails, And Wins From The Dystopian Dating World

Never know what you might right swipe into on Tinder.
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funny video game nba 2k15 voice over funny dubs

Hilariously Awful Voice-Overs In NBA 2K15

Listen close and you can hear these guys repeatedly forget their lines.
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fail cringe judge gets pulled over by cop

Cop Pulls Over Judge, Judge Uses Position Of Power To Get Off Quickly

Well that's just ridiculous.
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Dog barks after guy calls it a name.

Dog Responds to Fighting Words

There's not much more to say.
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Winter hits Florida and people react in hilarious fashion on Twitter | Hypothermia Iguanas Falling Trees May Smell Burning Dust #haiku #FloridaWinter Wind Chlls 20s 30s Iguanas Falling Trees Space Heater Fire Hazard Hypothermia People& Pets May Smell Buming Dust Tuming on Heat This Is Normal. FLORIDA IS CLOSED BUSY TRYING FIND OUR JACKETS

Winter Hits Florida, People Lose It (16 Tweets)

It's raining iguanas in Florida.
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Video of guy in spider-man outfit getting thrown off a swing.

Spider-Man Makes Unexpected Exit During Show

Hopefully he's off to fight crime.
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