Pastor lies, steals, cheats on wife with multiple women, gets found out, and eventually fired | Pastor lies cheats and steals. He gets exactly he deserves. If want read on YouTube 's OK with can call kaldra or OP. as my user name is not easy. Sorry am on mobile. Also l'm sorry but need be very vague about where this happened

Pastor Lies, Steals, Cheats On Wife With Multiple Women, Gets Found Out

A righteous revenge was had.
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AskReddit replies to unrealistic things that people see in movies that annoys them | tdj8 6h noticed lot movies they will let someone into their house but don't shut front door lol

Unrealistic Moments In Movies That Annoy People

Life ain't like it is in the movies.
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A quick and helpful Tumblr thread shares various baking tips | docholligay Coming state champion baker: If y'all use decent box mix and use melted butter instead vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead water, no one can tell difference sure as hell can't. Also, if add little almond extract vanilla cake, or little coffee chocolate cake sends through roof. This concludes attempting be helpful.

Tumblr Thread Is Rich With Cake Baking Tips

Yay, now we can all bake cakes.
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Joe Buck turns people's home videos into play-by-play practice | woman in pink sweatshirt preparing dough on a counter in a kitchen

Joe Buck Turns Home Videos Into Play-By-Play Practice

The play-by-play on the biscuits was gold.
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Video of different celebrities claiming Stevie Wonder can see.

Supercut of Celebrities Saying Stevie Wonder Can See

He keeps getting in cars.
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video psa home garden vegetables that grow fast

Eight Fastest Growing Vegetables To Grow At Home

Just the kind of positivity the world needs.
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Dad takes a revenge on a snow plow with a steel mailbox | aerylon This reminds this guy who used live on my dad's street. Every time snowed snow plow would take out his mailbox and only his mail box. And just be clear done intentionally. No one knows why, but driver snow plow would target his box and mow down. He'd call DOT complain, and would get an earful excuses amounted not our fault have wimpy mailbox Fast forward next winter. First decent snow starts falling, and every kid is hoping snow

Dad Takes Revenge On Snow Plow With Steel Mailbox

The wimpy mailbox was victorious.
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A collection of life hacks that can be helpful for people | LPT can add "Time Magazine's Person Year 2006 CV works as good conversation starter during Interviews and is true, since Time Magazine made person year 2006.

Life Pro Tips To Get A Leg Up On The Game

If applied right, they're almost like cheat codes.
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Son teaches his mom how to text, and it's adorable | Mom three can put different color on one side if she wants and they can change day day. If she wants do ,get 1and half yd each Ok 's neat l'll ask 8:33 AM So proud learning send text messages are so silly still can't find question mark 8:37 do get 1and half yd e 88 Mom 8:33 AM So proud learning send text messages Text message

Son Teaching Mom To Text Is Wholesome Gold

This is just great.
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Group chat accidentally texts russian speaking stranger instead of friend for a year | r/tifu Posted by u/tjmaxal 23 hours ago TIFU by assuming my friend joking Russian almost year Obligatory stuff: This is not throwaway account just own this one. This actually started May 2019 but only discovered today. So my close friends and have few on going group chats. They are all variations like same 10 people but know them all decades and on my iPhone just been adding numbers their contact profiles we

Group Chat Accidentally Texts Foreign Stranger for a Year

It wasn't Scott after all.
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People who think they are very smart | do mean typical and rest class lets be honest now am far above everyone including have luck are group with and give less work? such dumb action but could be expected will go ther group will appreciate Typ een chatbericht GIF

Absurd Individuals Who Believe They're Utter Geniuses

Coming to ruin a comments section near you.
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Dad pulls the ultimate prank on his daughter from afar, during their game of pinch and punch | Bridie Connell @BridieKConnell 16h 27897 4.4K Right. So my dad and are both very competitive/stubborn have been locked battle pinch and punch, first day month years. 15 years be exact. Neither us remember started.

Dad Pulls Ultimate Prank On Daughter From Afar

Dad did not take the game lightly.
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People share the worst flavors of ice cream they've experienced | wisebird24 3.4k points 14 hours ago PNW special: lemon geoduck ice cream were road tripping on coast, stopped tiny ice cream parlor, and decided had try because heck else are going try GEODUCK ICE CREAM? Yes, geoduck is one clam tasted like lemon ice cream with chunks rubber band and hint something deeply unsettling. Not recommended.

The Worst Flavors Of Ice Cream People Had

Ice cream gets regrettably creative.
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Tumblr thread on places people say don't exist as a joke | Germans have running gag where they pretend town Bielefeld does not exist. Even Angela Merkel talked about meeting she had Bielefeld, she added:.if exists at all Bielefeld has even released statement insisting= their existence, but unknowing. ly published on April 1. memeguy-com Why should Germans be only ones having this kind fun Fellow citizens United States nominate Wyoming abessinier Ladies and gentlemen present Bielefeld Conspiracy

Short Tumblr Thread On Places That Jokingly "Don't Exist"

There are a few. Or none, maybe?
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Funny, interesting and silly quotes from kids | been having hard day last two years anonymous, 4 years old @LiveFromSnackTime

Ridiculous and Sometimes Insightful Things Said by Kids

We feel the same way.
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A reporter dips out when a herd of bison show up during a broadcast | Jo @JoJoFromJerz Replying DeionNBCMT @gtconway3d and @YellowstoneNPS more times watch this harder laugh | news reporter looking off camera to the side in disbelief

Herd Of Bison Crash Reporter's News Segment

That side eye will be in the history books.
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