A brief Tumblr thread addresses the zombie apocalypse plot holes | kars-did-nothing-wrong why don't people zombie apocalypse stories ever just wear suits armor think any zombie is gonna get their rotting jaws through this? | gonna rip and tear my way through zombie apocalypse completely unharmed because none undead hoards will be able get through my plate mail kars-did-nothing-wrong everyone else is like "oh gotta stay inside most secure places possible and never leave" and l'll be storming

Tumblr Users Address Zombie Apocalypse Plot Holes

Fair points.
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Tumblr thread on bros bonding together to use their brains | sandersstudies love genuinely innocent "boys will be boys Just saw guy come out frat house poke pair jeans they'd left outside they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed like twenty more boys came rushing out house going "YOO00000000" rebelminds heard grunting outside my window other night and there were four boys struggling push this giant snowball (like 7 foot diameter) down sidewalk. snarling-through-our-smiles once lost my

Tumblr Thread On Bros Bonding Together To Use Brain Cells

Boys will be boys.
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A ridiculous Tumblr list of unverified history knowledge | confirmance Follow S perks--being-chinese gilbertbielschmidt seduce with ur history knowledge simaraknows vikings made their woman handle finances because they thought math is witchcraft

Facts And Fiction Collide In Fun "History" Thread

Maybe the truth is stranger than fiction.
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AskReddit replies to the creepiest things that sailors witnessed while out at sea | Tyree_Callahan 8h My dad and were sailing Sea Cortez early morning with some patchy surface fog 14 or 15 at time heard sounded like applause distance, but becoming louder could soon see patch disturbed water getting closer and closer and hundreds objects flying out water and splashing back down few them flew out, hit deck boat and bounced back into water. Stingrays whole school them, jumping out water some reason

Most Unnerving Sights That Sailors Witnessed At Sea

The sea is brimming with mysterious terrors.
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Stories of times from weddings when it seemed clear the marriage wouldn't last | PapillonMom 23.5k points 4 days ago edited 3 days ago About an hour before my cousin's wedding she made comment her next wedding wasn't going be as big and complicated. She right- her 2nd wedding super small.

Moments That Made It Clear The Wedding Was a Bad Idea

Sometimes it's pretty obvious that this isn't a great idea.
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A collection of the funniest things ever witnessed by people | hitomi1881 3h were bringing lunch teachers at school and my daughter announced made special soup Mr. S because he's virgin. Mr. S is vegan

The Funniest Occurrences Ever Witnessed

Sometimes people just wipe out and fail completely.
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Technology memes about computers | Desktop goals Dakides Conme MIGA Shurut Couds Derslomdrut JO Purba IG:@pcgaming there ch Med Amine Jridi Useless fuck can access invisible programs behind earth 1d Haha Reply ib 10 Dave Perry Wait 12 hours and they'll be at front 1d Haha Reply £9 | open task manager and all apps suddenly stop freezing Fear will keep them line.

Tech Memes for the Computer Fiends

Someone with at least some computer experience will hopefully get most of these.
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Entitled cheapskates and choosing beggars making irrational rude demands | Canon Vixia HF R72 10 Marketplace $85 Canon Vixia HF R72 1080p Camcorder Mark as Sold More Options Is this still available? Yes $40 gonna bring tomorrow Looool don't think so can't be selling stuff and not be willing negotiate buyer makes rules so agree with or fuck off and don't sell shit Wtf. Are being serious my dood 40 and bringing tomorrow. Accept offer because nobody else is gonna buy shitty camera don't have time

Entitled People and Their Irrational Demands

The nerve is admirable and frustrating.
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People that followed instructions literally, and ended up failing as a result | lan Reynolds @pumps1000 Replying AzureDoo and @WineMan147 kid my mother popped out while cooking. She boiling some potatoes. She said "Watch potatoes" as she left watched them. They burnt.

People That Followed Instructions Literally, And Failed

Their hearts were in the right place.
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Twitter thread and strange conspiracy theory suggests that the end of the world was in 2012 | tweet by nick hinton so did the world actually end in 2012? well it was the year scientists at cern finally found the higgs boson you know the particple stephen hawking predicted could destroy the universe or in his own words cause the universe to undergo a catastrophic vacuum decay

Conspiracy Thread Says The World Ended In 2012

What a strange ride.
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Patrick Stewart Ian McKellen Murder Mystery | ML Brennan @BrennanML think l'd really like right now is cozy British village murder mystery show where Patrick Stewart and lan McKellen are elderly widower neighbors who bicker lot about their gardens, and also solve crimes. And there's super hot grandson who has drive them around | So lan will be all need prune this hedge back think looks fine, but keeps putting shoots up over on my side And Patrick gasps and is all COURSE explains knife got into

Twitter Thread: Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen In A Murder Mystery

Make this so.
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An entitled woman begs for Cash App handouts on social media | February 25 at 1:51 PM Please don't message if aren't willing pay my time and take dinner, send money, take shopping, get my nails done, and so XOXOXO on! Thank and 30 others 8 Comments Li ke Comment

Entitled Woman Begs For Cash App Handouts

The entitlement is strong with this one.
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Funny terrier on dog course.

Jack Russell Doofing A Course Is A Nice Break from Reality

He's just glad to be there.
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Company flies a recruit out, cancels the project, so the recruit drives a rental car 800 miles home | Company recruits senior position, brings their HQ, project gets canceled while interviewing and supposed pay trip don't think so reading post another subreddit regarding things caused walk out an interview and reminded this experience had 20+ years ago. Hope fits here TL;DR: Company flies their home office interview killer position, job disappears during interview, they won't pay hotel or return

Company Cancels Recruit's Project, Recruit Drives Rental Car 800 Miles Home

They refused to pay for hotel or airfare, after flying them out.
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An entitled girl with allergies gets reality checked after telling person how to live in their home | AITA telling my roommates friend if their allergy is so severe can't make sandwich another room they should just leave? Not hole So, my roommate invited over one their friends today. He didn't mention anything or my other roommate about and so walked out my room and saw this random girl just kind like uhm, who are Because my roommate not room.

Entitled Girl With Allergies Gets Reality Checked

Probably best to just get out of there.
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Kid refuses to do chores, so his dad and mechanic buddy proceed to strip his car | Don't wanna do chores son? Well have fun being stuck at home. Paragraph TL;DR at bottom hope this is appropriate here. So this story deserves some context s actually Pro Revenge my father did Backstory: After had graduated High School and still hadn't "found" my calling my parents told could live with them rent free as long as did one very important thing, helped out with chores, don't bring any girls or friends

Kid Refuses To Do Chores, Dad And Mechanic Buddy Strip His Car

Quite the humbling lesson from dad and his buddy.
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