Husband takes funny pictures of his wife sleeping while they're on a road trip.

Husband Documents Sleepy Wife On Road Trip

A solid case of carcolepsy.
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A collection of tweets depicting unique British problems | Tweet VeryBritishProblems @SoVeryBritish Removing kind kind regards let recipient know absolutely bloody livid 10/04/2015 14:45 8,275 RETWEETS 8,587 FAVOURITES

British Problems That Are Bloody Brilliant

Going to have to use that regards trick.
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Tumblr thread on goblin personality | thealphapigeon Ya'll talk about Mom Friend and Older Sibling Friend but hear nothing about Goblin Friend Eats food up off floor screaming something about five second rule Sweatpants count as look Throws everything pile on nearest surface as soon as they're home "Haha 's gross let see" Hoards some sort. Mugs, pens, notebooks, anything Sitting dark room hours wrapped up seven blankets front laptop unblinking Makes weird noise effects express emotions Laying on

Tumblr Thread: People with Goblin Personality

Some of us have goblin energy.
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A funny Tumblr post about war between pads and tampons | pesmenos Follow why is there such stigma against wearing pads? like why is people who wear tampons are seen as 'strong' and 'cool? y'all know someone people can't wear them bc hurts them or they just don't like them? stop making seem like people who wear pads are childish and weak compared those who wear tampons postcardsfromtheoryland Follow Ok kids buckle up because know answer this question because am bitter, vindictive person. So my fi

Tumblr Thread: Origins Of The Pads Vs. Tampons War

She left the classroom shook.
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A funny Twitter account shares various irreverent jokes and puns | Pakalu Papito @p 15. Okt. 2019 better check my phone texts friends checks phone better get some friends 18 t 1.848 7.593

Irreverent Jokes And Puns From Pakalu Papito

An account that speaks to the soul.
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Things that are not food but look like food |  New type kiwi Tespri Green Neteland 4030 400-8201 Zaspri round chunky dog that looks like a fuzzy fruit | slice of chair padding cut out like cake

Inedible Objects that Look Like Tasty Food

Save room for chair cake.
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Window cleaners share stories from their time on the job | maytswizzle 5d worked retail and once month window cleaner lady would come and clean store windows. She told one time she cleaning windows inside Apple store and man walks by and licks outside part window she cleaning. She upset since she had already cleaned and would have clean again, but responded by telling man Good thing haven't cleaned side man got upset and went look manager. Reply 2.8k

Strangest Things Window Cleaners Witnessed

People go crazy when they think nobody can see them.
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video game NBA 2K15 voice acting fail

NBA 2K15 Horrible Voice Acting Compilation

This is somehow real.
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golfer hits crowd with ball

Pro Golfer Injures Spectators With Consecutive Shots

Those shanks will get ya.
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Calling scammers by their real names AM : Prank (He's trying to track fake tech support)

Calling Scammers By Their Real Names

Fighting the good fight.
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Two girls realize their parents got together | VBriseida @Bitchseida My mom divorced my dad who constantly cheated on her and now she out here living her best life Cabo with new boo who takes her places MATH

Girls Realize Their Single Parents Are Seeing Each Other

The internet accomplishes some wild things.
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A collection of strange and cringeworthy images | engagement photo couple kissing next to the words SAID YES written in lobsters | scary winged creature on top of an electricity pole

Cringe Images From The Belly Of The Nope Beast

Nope and cringe on the menu today.
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lazy not my job moments | Proofreading this book couldn't have been hard 5 five 5 bananas but actually 6 six | lump of dirt shaped like a traffic cone

"Not My Job" Moments of Advanced Laziness

Impressive jobs all around.
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Customer wants a pound of wings, ends up getting less wings that equal a pound | Posted by u/advocatus_ebrius_est 20 hours ago Pound Wings? Ok got oc S worked as cook at chain restaurant had wing night' where could get pound wings at discounted price didn't actually weigh wings, our specs said eight wings pound. Four drums and four flats. One night table comes and everyone orders pound wings little while after wings go out server comes back little flustered and explains there has been complaint.

Customer Demands Exactly a Pound of Wings, Gets Less Wings

He got less than he bargained for.
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Bad sex advice people got from school | Xianroberts 44 points 18 hours ago my sex ed class dissected flower. Not sure has do with anything just remember lot talk about stamen and pistil.

Horrible Sex Advice People Got from School

Sometimes Sex Ed isn't very comprehensive.
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A collection of times that people got ruined by words | My daughter scored 93 10th very disappointed, should Punish her 1 Answer Last followed July 2 Answer Follow 1 X Pass 000 Having parent like is already Punishment her | Nickolas Boylan @Boyl 17 Jul v Replying FlatPlana and @FlatEarthOrg Did know flatearther" is actually latin need feel special so bad ill literally just deny obvious shit so people know much free thinker am" 13 Flat Earth Expedition 18 Jul Ancient Romans are criying un their g

Clueless Humans That Got Scolded By Cold Logic

Can't argue with the facts.
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