Your Brain On Cracked Movies Test Audiences

5 Test Audiences That Dramatically Altered Movies

Things could be very different.
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A collection of funny history insights from the minds of Tumblr | RE tilthat TIL according legend Corgi gift woodland faeries and their markings were caused by saddles and stirrups placed on their backs via dwinkus can spend hundreds years breeding dog into little sausage shape and then just forget about and say fairies did Source: tilthat

History According To Tumblr Users

History can be fun sometimes.
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Ellie Goulding performing and not pronouncing the words right so it's like a glitch.

Ellie Goulding Having a System Error

404 lyrics not found.
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John Cusack fail

John Cusack Leaves Woman Hanging

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cool tornado video from up close storm chasing

Extreme Up-Close Video Of Tornado

Up close and personal.
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A coworker's lunch gets stolen and then an office drama ensues | Zak Toscani Follow @zaktoscani Co-worker got his lunch stolen and they've agreed let him watch security camera tape. This is most excited l've ever been at any job ever. Ever. lunch question shrimp fried rice which means this escalates misdemeanor felony no doubt

Coworker's Lunch Gets Stolen, Office Drama Ensues

A remarkably cold blooded individual, indeed.
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The dumbest reasons that kids told on their classmates | morales52904 1d Apparently rolled my eyes at someone kindergarten across room kid so fact they caught looking at ceiling and made about them astonished. On top couldn't even defend myself because had no clue rolling one's eyes even meant or implied. Reply 95

Silliest Reasons Kids Told On Classmates

Kids just do the darnedest things.
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Cringeworthy stories of times it was clear a girl wasn't interested | docju 44.0k points 1 day ago 2 (F2 e 5 More Asked girl if she wanted grab lunch together some time. She said she busy day which interesting as never specified day.

Awkward Ways Dudes Realized Girls Weren't Interested

Well, that's hard to forget.
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Girl accidentally unleashes an army of spiders at her friend's house | r/tifu u/princessmegnu 19h Join 1 1 TIFU by bringing bag spiders my friends house and unleashing them M So, my friend begin with isn't big fan spiders. She constantly cleans her house them. She's not got phobia but certainly is not their biggest fan plan go away September, and she wanted look at hotels. She hasn't got computer/laptop so brought mine look easier viewing.

Girl Accidentally Unleashes Army Of Spiders

Hard nope to this.
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instant karma to mean chef

Chef Tells Apprentice Pain's An Emotion, Instant Karma Ensues

Keep telling yourself that, bud.
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short movie about replying to scam email

Guy Responds To Spam Email, Makes Noir Video About It

This is gold.
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QVC host argues with guest over if the moon is a planet or a star.

QVC Host Debates Whether the Moon is a Planet or a Star

How do you explain to someone that the moon is a moon?
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Landlord won't fix tenant's broken windows, and it costs landlord thousands | Landlord Refuses Fix Broken Windows, Costs Him Thousands Dollars and His Job Keeping things vague this post on purpose My girlfriend and moved into house had several broken/cracked windows held together with tape rest house great and perfect condition landlord promised fix them ASAP. He kept promising fix them month after month, with no action being taken. After 6 months began recording his phone calls and had recorded

Landlord Won't Fix Broken Windows, Costs Landlord Thousands

Landlords just need to play by the rules.
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A choosing beggar refuses to pay for a site that is free to visit | Hey do websites, right? 26m Can build website? Hello about lose my business. 23m

Choosing Beggar Won't Pay For Site That's Free To Visit

That's not how it works, bud.
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Travelers describe the places they'll never return to | convextech 2y Disney World with my grandkids practically grew up there but hadn't been over 20 years had no idea would be nothing but huge traffic jam strollers and screaming children. 3.5k

The Places Travelers Will Never Return To

Some places are too strange to hang with.
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Husband takes funny pictures of his wife sleeping while they're on a road trip.

Husband Documents Sleepy Wife On Road Trip

A solid case of carcolepsy.
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