Funny tumblr story of burglar who furnishes apartment | Nice Eric Follow @ericsshadow [burglar gently waking live like this? thestirge So heard this story second-hand, many years ago, but gist friend friend lived generally considered bad neighborhood, because he super poor college student and he could afford. He didn't have any furniture, he just slept on blanket on floor and had milk crate chair and like an old wire spool as table. No TV, nothing fridge, no microwave, basically just bare walls

Tumblr Thread: Chaotic Good Burglar

It's extreme home makeover, crime edition.
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star wars darth vader drama queen

Darth Vader Being A Jerk

Never gets old.
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Employees mistake customer for job applicant, and they break the law | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/ligamentary 18 hours ago Manager reveals illegal hiring practices mistaking applicant XXXXL Names have been altered out consideration business owner bit older got grandkids high school, let's put way So been especially cautious about staying home during COVID-19 pandemic. Part has, unfortunately, meant indefinitely cutting out my regular trips gym. So invested couple pieces equipment my house p

Customer Gets Mistaken for Job Applicant, Interviewers Break Law

A weird way to end a customer experience.
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Woman rejects her role as cool aunt cause it's just a ton of free babysitting | AITA rejecting role cool aunt" because really more like unpaid babysitter? Not hole My sister and have always been very different. Growing up, she stereotypical nerdy/geeky girl. Very into sci-fi/fantasy, video games, etc. She bonded lot with my parents over because they are same.

Woman Rejects Role Of Cool Aunt Cause It's Free Babysitting

Seems totally fair.
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Scams that many people don't realize are scams | peezoki 2d 1 Award Verizon $1 scam. Verizon tacked on 1 fee onto 8 their customer's bills each month so over course year, they did every customer, about 150,000,000. Their rationale 50% wouldn't notice and just pay charge or would notice and wouldn't spend anytime fighting 1 charge. 50% would notice charge and call have removed those, 35% would get frustrated while on call and give up. This added approximately $120,000,000 bottom line each year (3

Scams That Many People Overlook

Scams are the worst.
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Employees describe their craziest first days at work | wanted876y 21h "Okay so know this is first day at fast food restaurant but got get back register, hope know use deep fryer. Toodles Fuck galven

AskReddit Thread: Employees' Craziest First Days At Work

Galven had zero chill.
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Funny and stupid life pro tips | bad boy @badboychadhoy my credit score is low but 's because want protect myself identity theft. no one can take out mortgage my name if can't even take out mortgage my name.

Really Bad Life Pro Tips to Not Do

There are better ideas.
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WTF things said by teachers | mylifeasblue 16.5k points 4 days ago She read out my name and looks at and says parents named this?

Wild and Awkward Junk said by Teachers

Some teachers were... interesting.
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Dad gets revenge on line cutters in the best way possible | r/ProRevenge Join u/Transboy6 1y 1 S 1 My dad get's revenge on line cutters best way possible So Christmas one year my parents got us season passes Six Flags used those passes often throughout summer as family and had an amazing time one these days happened.

Dad Gets Revenge On Line Cutters In Best Way Possible

Way to go, dad!
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A quick and funny Tumblr post about how paranormal activity is kids causing trouble | thecheshiresmiles everytime hear about children corn think about guy met at comic con who actually lived town they filmed movie at, and on farm where they filmed corn. he teenager at time and him and his friends would get drunk on moonshine and rustle corn and let air out tires production team's trailers and shit. and now there's Wikipedia pages about children corn set haunted and they thought they angered god

Tumblr Post: Paranormal Activity Is Bored Kids Causing Trouble

Seems about right.
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safety video home improvement construction

Man Shows Dangerous Kickback Of Table Saw

Nerves of steel.
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Dark Souls 3 on dancing pad

Girl Defeats Final Boss On Dark Souls 3, Uses Dancing Pad

That's just ridiculous.
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A Twitter thread about a woman's loving friends stepping up in her time of need | Sheila O'Malley @sheilakathleen year after my dad died so bad don't remember 90 moved new apt and unable unpack MONTHS ashamed couldn't unpack can be UNABLE unpack? Just open g.d. boxes year cried 19 days. Straight 1

Twitter Thread: Woman's Loving Friends Offer Beautiful Support

That's what real friends do.
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Guy holds up cardboard signs with hilariously accurate societal commentary | Stop Posting Old Travel Pics | Stop Posting Zoom Screenshots

Man's Cardboard Signs Tell The Hard Truths

Seth is man of the year.
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Man's day is a series of frustrating fails | So did begin? Wel 1. Last night at around 5 pm broke an aquarium at work (worth about $60 2. Cleaning up, minor cut my thumb. Very shallow, so pick off dead skin. Ripped layer flesh off, and now have an exposed nerve ending is relatively small, but doesn't go away, and is sharp pain, so can't pretend 's not there

Man's Day Is A Rollercoaster Of Fails

Some days are tougher than others.
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Things that don't deserve to be so difficult | MissSprocket 17.2k points • 13 hours ago (9 Installing a printer. I don't want your 15 other garbage apps, HP. I just want to print my essay.

Things That Have No Right to Be So Difficult

It doesn't make sense!
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