FAIL Nation

Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

Squirrel FAIL

fail nation fence gifs g rated Hall of Fame jump squirrel - 6191729920
Via Reddit

Leaving The Iron On FAIL

burning fire Hall of Fame laundry womenamirite - 5939479552
Via LLFoolJ

Kayak Diving FAIL

diving board gifs Hall of Fame kayak swimming pool - 6390999552
spiders whoops Kill It With Fire Video fail nation Hall of Fame best of week - 45190145

Arachnophobia FAIL

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Awkward Meeting FAIL

Awkward best of week football Hall of Fame shirt tom brady - 6568892416

Humanity is Doomed FAIL

spider Damn Nature U Scary Kill It With Fire Hall of Fame best of week - 6854749952

Elf on the Shelf FAIL

prank sleeping fail nation g rated Hall of Fame best of week - 6848270336
Sad Video microwave fail nation g rated Hall of Fame best of week - 45231361

Tutorial of Sadness FAIL

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Tasty Drink FAIL

best of week drinking Hall of Fame Kill It With Fire no thanks nope spider straw - 6578780416

Gas Station FAIL

obama gas gas station politics weird what best of week Hall of Fame - 6653186048
Via Mother Jones

Canadian Protest FAIL

Canada fail nation fox news g rated Hall of Fame Protest - 6175783680

Utter Chaos FAIL

design road best of week Hall of Fame - 6643385600

Too Late FAIL

sign paradox reading law Hall of Fame best of week - 6767265280

Stadiums of the World FAILs

classic design fail nation g rated Hall of Fame soccer sports wtf - 5656782336
Created by anselmbe


Hall of Fame KISS kissing Subway wheelchair - 6321357056
Via Reddit

Lazy Google Employee FAIL

Close Enough geography google maps Hall of Fame Professional At Work - 5426311168
Created by D Crev
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