
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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And She Caught a Big One

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Guy's Psycho Tinder Match Makes Crazy Look Sane

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See What it's Like When Gay Guys Get Rejected

Man tells his sister that she should lower her dating standards as a single mom | AITA telling my single mom sister she should get more realistic comes her dating standards? Asshole context: My older sister 32(f) is single mother two (7m and 5f) because her marriage ended after 4 years. He is still around and pays child, but she's mostly raising kids on her own. She has been single quite some time and recently tried start dating again. My sister thinks herself as good catch college degree, well

Man Tells Sister She Should Lower Her Dating Standards

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Sending Revenge Nudes is Never a Good Idea, Especially To Your Ex's Teenage Son


The Worst

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Boyfriend Of 5 Years Cheats On Girlfriend, So She Ruins His Runescape Account

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Awkward Tinder Exchanges & Amusing Bios

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Coffee Shop Creeper Texts Barely Legal Barista and It's an Awkward Exchange

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This Guy Made His Unfaithful Girlfriend's Birthday a Memorable One

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As Soon as VR Becomes Widely Available, You Won't Need That Pesky Significant Other Anymore

A collection of tweets describing Twitter users' worst dates they've ever been on | Conor Horgan @ConorHorgan Replying mrnickharvey very first thing she did on sitting down take out small glass bottle and started spooning syrupy liquid into her mouth Homeopathy lasked, heart sinking No powerful sedative-hypnotic drug she replied If don't take l'd be hysterical right now.

Twitter Users' Worst Dates Ever

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10 Times Tinder's Craziness Left Us At A Loss For Words

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Chinese Couple Floods the Street with Awkwardness as a Dude Begs for Second Chance

Uber driver finds out BF is cheating when ride asks for his place while he out of town.

Uber Driver Finds Out the Hard Way That Her Man is Cheating After Giving His Sidepiece a Ride

Funny screen grabs of facepalm pick-up lines, some of which actually worked - cover image of crass suggestion that the girl either things is entertaining, or knows the guy already.

20 Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines That'll Make You Instantly Facepalm