FAIL Nation

accidental sexy

Putting the D in DQ

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Via khoot

You Can Just Do That in Public?

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Via Reddit

With Lots of Butt Presents to Make You Happy

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I'm Not Up for This Deal

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Via Criggo

They're Right on the Edge

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He's Very Popular With Some People

accidental sexy dude parts name fail nation - 8397968640
Via Acid Cow

They Really Went Off the Rails With That Sesason

Via tpolisher

Something Tells Me This isn't the Beloved Children's Classic We Were Sold on...

accidental sexy THE D books fail nation - 8289272064
Via chadd8

Store Display FAIL

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Some People Are Just REALLY Excited About Engineering

Via distinguishedbaloney

The Pen is... Not Mightier Than Proofreading

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Via Acid Cow

Unfortunate Naming at Its Finest

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Via Reddit

Some People Do or Don't Have These Clothes, and That's Okay

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Via Reddit

Nobody Was Doubting its Powers Before, We Can Assure You

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Via Bad Newspaper

What Are Friends for?

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Hey, That's Kathleen's Business Only

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Via Google

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