FAIL Nation

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Am I Supposed to be This Turned on by a Cooking Show?

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The Sign is What Really Makes This Awkward Display

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Via Reddit

Nobody Bothered to Clear That Name

Via Failbook
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You Won't Be Able to Stop Giggling After Hearing the Name of This Product

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There's a Pill for That Problem

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Via HoffAmazing

They Don't Really Cater to People Up Top

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Via Brown Cardigan

The Combination of Things Nobody Asked For

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Stick With Your Strengths, Right?

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Via Criggo

Feel Free to Stuff Your Cheeks With This Stuff

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Via Bits and Pieces

Don't Swallow the Miracle!

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Via Reddit

Fine Print FAIL

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Finally, an Alternative to Abstinence-Only Education

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Via Criggo

Surely This Was Intentional?

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Left Without Comment

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Via Brown Cardigan

"I Swear This Never Happens"

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Via Know Your Meme

I Prefer My Wine Cut, Thanks

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