
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Dropping Off the FAILboat

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Street Fighter: Crazy Drunk Russians Edition

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Wedding FAILs

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The Funniest News-Bomb of the Season is Catching on in Australia

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The Highlight of the Commonwealth Games? This Poor Kid Thinking He Can Keep Up With the Runners.

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This is Probably the Worst Punt in Football History

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No Video Will Ever Be More Canadian Than This Moose Licking Salt off a Canadian's Snowy Car

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Whoa, This Marathon Runner Gets Hit by a Deer at Full Speed

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This Was Supposed to be a Romantic Proposal in a Paddle Boat. Think of Every Way That Could go Wrong.

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These US Senators Are Living Like College Bros in a Frat House. Seriously.

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Grandpa Goes on a Glorious Virtual Rampage and Almost Hits His Entire Family IRL

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Wedding Season is Nearly Over (Phew) so Here's Some "I Do" Fails!

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Heading to the Gym for Your New Year's Resolution? Don't Do Anything Like This.

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Only a Game of Hockey Could Make New York's Finest and Bravest Act Like This

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Bragging FAIL

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These Slippery Stairs on a Japanese Game Show are No Joke