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WTF Did You Think Was Gonna Happen FAIL

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If Hell is Real, it's Being Stuck in a Subway Full of Recorder-Playing Children

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This Trooper of a Reporter Passes Out Mid-Interview Then Picks Up Right Where She Left Off

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The Collapse of an Iceberg Nearly Sends These Boaters Under

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In Ram vs Car, It's Definitely the Angry Animal That Wins

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Same Tricks, Different Outcomes: FAIL vs WIN!

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It's Just Not a Great Work Day

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These Pranksters Get What's Coming to Them and Ended Up Calling the Cops... on Themselves

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Young Humans Riding Young Horses, This Will End Poorly


Local TV News Anchor Loses It When She Tries to Report on the Man Who Lived as a Goat

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This Guy's Security Camera Feed of Trying to Track a Package Delivery is Everyones Struggle

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Here's Why Some Cyclists Hate Bicycle Lanes

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Why is This Guy Playing Air Guitar on the News?

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She Just Lost Her Wisdom Teeth, and Now She Wants Ellen Degeneres to be Her Best Friend

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Meeting The Rock After a Workout Sounds Really Intimadating, Unless You're This Little Girl

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If You're Having a Bad Day, Take Comfort in That Some "Cardmember Services" Scammer Isn't Trying to Have Phone Sex With You