

Like (Black) Magic!

ouch problem solved wtf - 4466076928

God's Favorite Soup

black humor soup wtf - 4846997248

How Dare You, CAPTCHA!

captcha wtf - 5850249984

It's a Sin. But Oh So Hot.

Featured Fail Hypocrisy religion wtf - 5985266176
A collection of funny posts about various stomach-turning, cursed food items.

Cursed Food Creations From The Shadow Realm

Yeah, hard pass for me on these.
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A Twitter thread about a woman's encounter with terrible, creepy guy | SaraSuze @tragedythyme quick reminder men: Common events can turn into really scary situations women snap. Case point: This week listed clothes dryer on Letgo app. Because dryer neutral meeting location impractical needed taken out my house

Twitter Thread: Woman Tries To Sell Clothes Dryer, Mega Creep Shows Up

Hopefully that guy got caught.
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misfortune and chaos | nail found inside a hamburger | car stuck in a pile of snow

Misfortune Monday: Chaos is Inevitable

It's just gonna slip through.
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Free Time FAIL

wtf - 4580751872
Created by Unknown

No Aunty!

creepy parenting wtf TMI - 7985838080
Guy continually bullies insurance company, and ends up learning his lesson | r/ProRevenge Join u/draconian1429 NEVER bully insurance company, or lose franchise Hello all. Excuse any poor grammar or spelling on mobile. TLDR at bottom This story comes friend mine, Sarah, and has been building almost 5 years until all came crashing down over last week few things note before get into Sarah works at an insurance company, dealing with massive nationwide delivery company her company

Man Repeatedly Bullies Insurance Company, Loses Everything

This gave peace to my soul.
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How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Wa- aaait a Minute!

justin bieber Music wtf - 4801906944
Created by Unknown
bad products and services people said never again | zaagan-daas More Dollar Tree shredded cheese. Just. Don't. Please don't be like and try NitroTitan 16.0k points 2 days ago dollar store my area has $1 steaks can't imagine trusting 1 steak not kill

Things People Bought and Said "Never Again"

Hindsight is spending more on cheese.
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It Gives You Saaaad

animals wtf - 6058338304
Created by 1Digital
funny times particular people and things were singled out | WORK CENTER HAS BEEN ACCIDENT FREE SINCE JOE LEFT | Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered on occasions, an octopus will "punch fish no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs punch fish

Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

Oh come on, really?
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Meanwhile, In The South

family Featured Fail the south wtf - 5913751296
Created by Unknown

Plastic Safe Sex

failbook innuendo kids these days wtf - 6089376512
Created by Unknown
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