

Please Observe This Actual Tweet From Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

political memes donald trump tweets pepe trump
Via realDonaldTrump
twitter wtf - 65625089

Larry King’s Late Night Twitter Ramblings Are Now a “Thing”

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rude and disrespectful houseguests | gen3stang My cousin punched my wall. Left hole and started laughing he got his first house went over and punched hole right wall waited 11 years do .

Amazingly Disrespectful Things Done By Houseguests

How hard is it to be decent?
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16 is The New 12

Hypocrisy maturity wtf - 5946544640
Created by Unknown
Military nurse deals with Karen boss | Posted by u/BangarangRufio847 14 hours ago have find my own coverage? Alrighty then! oc Rule 8 Super long(sorry) TL;DR at end About 10 years ago got my first job at nursing home after coming off active duty military director nursing, who call Dawn reserves so hit off pretty quick got my nursing license while military and had only really cared young strapping soldiers, not elderly, but Dawn and other nurses taught ropes.

Ex-Military Nurse Gets the Drop on Karen Boss

Karen did it to herself.
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WTF, Mom...

not what that means parents text wtf - 5282639360
Dude lives to regret staring at the Sun as a kid | r/tifu Join u/eyedamagedsunwatcher 2h 3 TIFU By starting at sun over 12 minutes L As usual, this didn't happen today. This happened over 20 years ago and only recently am noticing impact. Don't stare at sun kids around 11 fascinated by science still am particular loved astronomy and sun is pretty cool object had heard Galileo had gone blind by looking at sun through telescope, so should never look at sun. My intellectually curious mind noticed

Dude Lives To Regret Staring At The Sun As A Kid

Massive bummer.
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Did You Know the FBI Maintains an 83-page Glossary of Internet Slang? You Won't Believe How Out of Touch it Is

FBI wtf slang - 8226778624
Via Washington Post

Thanks Dad, You Were the Greatest

Death failbook nipples parent parenting wtf - 6255613184
Created by scooterloo

Les Cousins Dangereux

cousin family kissing wtf - 5657872640
Created by basselope7
Employee gets fired, and then makes company lose around $100K |r/ProRevenge u/hoodlvm fired and made company lose over £100k So l used work at family run builders merchants and trade sales advisor fired bringing up health and safety concerns an email sent manager and fact apparently "unhappy my role did nothing wrong but they still sacked Now worked there had clients had built good relationships with and even become friends with some them. They would get beers and whiskey at

Employee Gets Fired, Makes Company Lose Over $100K

Oh, they got them good.
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It's a Metaphor

story twilight wtf - 5996089856
Created by LadyBoss

Something S-WHOA!

bewbs not what i meant witty reply wtf - 4885854976

Don't Make Me Go Personality 1 on Your Ass!

dating breakups instagram relationships wtf - 8400376064
Truck drivers share some of their creepiest experiences from time out on the road | I had driven maybe 30 miles out into the farm land when hail started bouncing off my truck, being a MS native I knew in July hail meant tornado. I pull off to the side (I'm in the middle of no where no lights to be seen no cars behind or infront of me) and start looking for the storm/ tornado I believe is approaching. I rolled the passenger window down and shined a bright flashlight off into the night. Nothing

Truck Drivers' Spookiest Experiences

Best to read with the lights on.
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funny and sad tinder moments

19 Funny and Sad Moments from the Wild World of Tinder

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