
Valentines day

Let Your Emoji Plan Your Valentine's Day

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Alone on Valentine's Day?

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Created by Cheetofreak

There's More Than One Way to Get a Heart

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Created by Unknown

I Agree With Ryan

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Burger King's Already Winning Valentine's Day By Giving Out 18+ Adults Happy Meals

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Remember Valentine's Day... OR ELSE!

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I Wouldn't Know

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Created by Unknown

A Timely Valentine's Day Riddle

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Baking with My Best Friend on Valentine's Day

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Girl, My Love for You is Like a Foucaldian Power Dynamic: Subtle, Gestural, but All-Encompassing and Terrifying

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The Struggle Is Real For These People That Shared the Worst Valentine's Day Gifts They've Ever Received

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A Romantic Message From the Victoria Police

Via Acid Cow

Once a Year, Every Year

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#MyValentinesRemorse Trending Twitter Hashtag Is Easily the Best Thing About Valentine's Day

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The "Stuffed" is Usually Implied

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Created by shawnacee.marshall

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