

The Only Twitter Account Worth Your Time

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Look Out For Hillary Clinton's Cooking Blog to Launch ASAP

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Via @kashanacauley

Colbert's Next Conquest

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Danny Has Some Thirsty Insights

Danny Has Some Thirsty Insights
Via supahighposts
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When the Irony of Your Kid's Permission Slip is This Obvious, You've Got to Attach a Note Like This Dad

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The Key To How Miley Cyrus Grew Up

Via labias

Retweeted: Fifty Hoes and Weed

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This Just In: A Mayor Whose Life is Totally Out of Control Doesn't Understand Daylight Savings Time

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Via Uproxx

You're Not Good Enough to Deserve Those Towels

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Oh Fake Will Ferrell, You Totally Got Me

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He Hit The Nail On The Head

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Created by wHoReY_MaNsEn ( Via Twitter )

Second Graders Correct NFL Players' Tweet Grammar

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Via Deadspin
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Pizza Hut Knows the Holidays Are For Treatin' Yo Self (and a Few Friends)

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"All Right, That's It, I'm Breakin' Out the Sass"

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Twitter Trends: #FailingAgenda

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Created by Kristie

This Dog Takes Safety Seriously

This Dog Takes Safety Seriously
Via @ally_begg

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