

Here to take a dump? Toilet jokes, memes ,and everything in between will provide you with hours of mirth while you snicker behind your hand. So whether your humor is already as dirty as the flush handle, or you're looking to expand outwards, this hilarious toilet humor will have you chuckling in no time.

Like If You Do This Every Time

like poop pooping thumbs thumbs up toilet - 6177209856

Only a True Saint Would Put Up With That Much Crap

relationships crap couples toilet failbook - 6847537152

Nick Offerman Responds to the Fact That His Face is on a Public Toilet Area in India

image nick offerman toilet Nick Offerman Responds to the Fact That His Face is on a Public Toilet Area in India
Via @KenTremendous

Confucius Say...

selfie toilet - 7782884352
Created by bonkersnicker

Is THAT What It Does?

phone airplane mode toilet - 4961084416

Be Free, Nemo!

fish facepalm pets toilet failbook g rated - 8116785152
Via Ccubby97

Worse Case Scenario

phone toilet - 6715334912
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