

Steven Spielberg Criticized for the "Triceratops He Just Slaughtered"

steven spielberg facebook jurassic park funny stupid dinosaurs - 8250924544
Via Dangerous Minds
Funny tumblr moments | pteapotdactyl weareallfromearth Follow getlitaesthetic Follow Today 10:12 want 6 pet sloths so can name them after every sin except sloth Today my wife texted this, and then immediately called make sure got because an urgent message Source

Random Funny Tumblr Gems to Fill Those Pockets

Oh, that hits the spot.
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Unwelcome Ambassadors

facepalm really stupid - 4953221120
Created by Burley

Culturally Challenged

facepalm religion stupid - 4585922560

Nothing Can Help You at This Point

facepalm google really stupid - 5178390784
Created by motu2510

<strike>Sam</strike> Some People

status updates stupid - 4751492096

Just Stay Away From the Bleach

Chemistry stupid The Spelling Wizard your friends are laughing at you - 4398939648

Now You Tell Me, Captain Hindsight

friends stupid - 5812084480

Looting in Japan

China facepalm Japan looting stupid - 4554318080
Created by Jessica


deaf, blind, yahoo answers, questions, confused
Via voidborn
Entitled people and their absurd demands | Car vent phone mount Marketplace $5 Car vent phone mount Mark as Sold More Options Ahmad changed group photo. Is this still available? Yes 5:44 PM bucks No thanks 3 not into bargaining, sorry Ok know Amazon brand new is 4,50. Great. Go buy there. Haha ok, sorryI just kidding. Aa

Frustratingly Entitled People and Their Demanding Behavior

People have a hard time seeing how ridiculous they're being.
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petty opinions people are passionate about | NotTheNoogie More not use microwave is clock. Stop leaving unused time on there just have hit cancel button once, damn!

Petty Opinions People Will Defend to Their Last Breath

It's the small things.
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What If YOU'RE Boring and Pointless and Stupid?

boring complaining stupid whining - 6342631424
Created by SarcasticNarwhale

1/2 = 1/4

math really stupid - 4608946176
Created by Unknown

10% of the Time, It's Everyone

FAIL maths stupid - 8530664960
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Don't Forget to Convert to Metric!

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