

He Who Laughs Last

jokes lol stupid your friends are laughing at you - 4658572544
Created by Real_live_scientist


facepalm geography new york really stupid - 4913804800

Dumb in Any Language

english racist stupid - 5328078336
Created by Unknown


caught in the act dumb questions really stupid - 3617236992
Created by UntouchedRayne

Take Your Own Advice

driving stupid - 4609365248

Just Heard About Japan

facepalm Japan really stupid - 4564382464
Created by Unknown

Just a Regular Day at the Office

coworkers Office stupid work - 6182893568
Created by Unknown

You Can Count Your on Your Hands

IQ stupid your friends are laughing at you - 5655031552
Created by Unknown

Mirrors: How Do They Work?

image stupid - 4586419712
funny jokes from twitter and tumblr | Dee @figgled 's kinda fucked musicians eat sandwiches by placing them inside trombones and honking them into each other's mouths 18/4/17, 12:32 pm skirtsuit-angel this is an example defamiliarization, where something totally normal, conventional, and ordinary like honkwiching is taken and described as something sounds weird and foreign Source: memewhoreMehGyver @AndrewNadeau0 | After leaving Willy Wonka's factory WIFE WIFE WIFE: Lot deaths LOT deaths tour!

Funny Tumblr Moments and Sweet Ripened Tweets

Thy cup overfloweth.
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Guy brings spirit level on plane to prove that the earth is flat during his flight.

Dude Takes Spirit Level On Plane Attempting to Prove Earth Is Flat

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It Sound Very Raciest"

facepalm over their head really stupid - 4531638784
Created by campanawannadave

Stop. Just... Stop.

facepalm geography stupid - 4175554560
Created by Unknown

The "C" Stands for "Credit"

credit card drive facebook facepalm failbook g rated stupid technology - 5671048448

Is It Racist If He's That Stupid?

geography politics stupid - 4415357696
Created by Unknown

Definitely Not Hopper... Definitely Not.

stupid - 4658342912
Created by JEtemadi

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