

Blorgwaz From Gliese 876-D is Wondering the Same Thing

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You Know, the Place Where Everyone Uses Their Bellies as Tables

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Did Someone... Like... Put It Up in the Sky?

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Flat Earthers Will Say That It's Photoshop

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Twitter Imagines #HowPlanetsTalkAboutEachOther and They Don't Sound Very Nice

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Oh Chris, We Love You No Matter What Your Inverse Gravitational Proportionality Is

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"Who Asked You?"

Text - Fact- if the earth was 10 ft closer to the sun we would all burn up and if it was 10 ft further we would freeze to death.. God is amazing!! Sunday at 11:04am via Text Message Like Comment and 4 others like this. Wow.that's crazy! Sunday at 11:07am via Facebook Mobile Like I knooooow! Sunday at 11:08am Like Amen Sunday at 11:08am Like to anyone wondering, that's not true. 1)Earth's orbit is eliptical and the distance from the sun varies from around 147 milion kilometers to 152 milion kilom
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