
funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

A funny Tumblr thread about the intelligence of dwarves beards | deluxeloy Theory: So know dwarves have thing with beards if 's not just cultural standard or mere coincidence if there's reason? See, dwarves like dig lot. They build underground homes, and there's nothing more rewarding them than digging up some gems or valuable metals. But chipping away at all rock and disturbing all earth kicks up lot dust and dirt. If do every day without proper breathing protection which Ancient Dwarves

Tumblr Thread: Dwarves Beards Are Too Smart

Not fair.
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funny jokes from twitter and tumblr | Dee @figgled 's kinda fucked musicians eat sandwiches by placing them inside trombones and honking them into each other's mouths 18/4/17, 12:32 pm skirtsuit-angel this is an example defamiliarization, where something totally normal, conventional, and ordinary like honkwiching is taken and described as something sounds weird and foreign Source: memewhoreMehGyver @AndrewNadeau0 | After leaving Willy Wonka's factory WIFE WIFE WIFE: Lot deaths LOT deaths tour!

Funny Tumblr Moments and Sweet Ripened Tweets

Thy cup overfloweth.
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A funny Tumblr post about a strange horticultural technique that flattens trees | biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Seguir recently learned about horticultural technique called Espalier s funniest goddamn thing ever seen.

Tumblr Thread: Strange Horticultural Technique Is Terraria IRL

Flat trees are our new favorite trees.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | pyrlspite tumblr is like wading through everyone else's garbage until find something good and go "ah. this is good" and take and display own garbage pile trukingofskeletonhell Goblin Market Source: pyrlspite 103,144 notes

Funny Tumblr Posts And Tidbits For Your Scrolling Pleasure

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A funny Tumblr thread about fruits being named after colors | weaver-z Follow Ænzo @dolphin_dom Fun fact: blueberries are only fruit named after color rinasawayana dolphin_dom star fruit?

Tumblr Thread On Fruits And Colors Spirals Out Of Control

Oh no, say it ain't so.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned 2020 cat boys | ysabelmystic just heard my mom tell my brother die will go outside and garden until father says done" and took second realize my brother playing videogame and this not theological discussion. martianaviator Purgatory Source: ysabelmystic

Top Tumblr Posts To Thrill And Titillate You

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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | chefpyro dinosaurs probably wouldnt be half as popular if they still existed cause they'd just be animals and wouldn't be as mysterious like. rhinos are right there. they're super cool concept but they're right there and nobody cares rikmach care about Rhinos. chefpyro

Entertaining Tumblr Posts To Scroll At Your Leisure

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A collection of funny and random moments from the minds of Tumblr | RE tilthat TIL Frogs can be hypnotized by laying them on their back and stroking their stomach. Snails can sleep up 3 years and 3 Ice Antarctic glaciers is just Penguin urine. via sirobvious This guy is hogging all facts eliteknightcats no s all connected | laughingsquid HUMMbucker Electric Kazoo Screeching Kazoo Plugs Into an Amplifier moonlandingwasfaked this is proof God exists and loves us

Totally Terrific, Funny, And Random Tumblr Gems

Tumblr always delivers in our time of need.
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A collection of totally random and funny moments from the minds of Tumblr.

Totally Random Tumblr Nuggets To Chew On

Eat up.
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Tumblr users go all in on a conversation about The Incredibles | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try

Tumblr Users Analyze "The Incredibles" To Oblivion

Such a good movie.
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Funny tumblr moments | pteapotdactyl weareallfromearth Follow getlitaesthetic Follow Today 10:12 want 6 pet sloths so can name them after every sin except sloth Today my wife texted this, and then immediately called make sure got because an urgent message Source

Random Funny Tumblr Gems to Fill Those Pockets

Oh, that hits the spot.
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Tumblr goes all the way in on why dragons have their eyes where they do. | galahadwilder sudden, terrifying thought see an animal with its eyes set front, like wolves, or humans s usually predator animal.

Tumblr Goes Mythological Scientist Mode On Dragons

Dragons are awesome.
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A funny quick Tumblr thread about things that people will see on a road trip across America | things will see on road trip across america -so much desert will get scared seriously california new mexico is terrifying like 's eight straight hours pale red desert and sky is so large everything, even car, even hands, looks like tenuously small and fragile diorama placed on an endless pale red table and left there dissolve.

Quick Tumblr Post On Great American Road Trip

Don't forget those highway overpasses.
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Funny tumblr posts, pokemon, mr mime, vaping, assassination, puns

33 Tumblr Treats That'll Make You Chuckle

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A funny Tumblr thread about timelessly funny internet references | headspace-hotel S headspace-hotel forget Internet things would be incomprehensible 2 years ago phenomenon where is appreciation Internet things could show someone 3000 BC and be almost sure they'd get kick out 1 headspace-hotel

Tumblr Thread: Timelessly Entertaining Internet Gems

It's a tale as old as time itself.
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