
funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

A quick Tumblr post on kids' various learning struggles | fozmeadows Watching my toddler figure out language is fascinating. Yesterday were stumped he kept insisting there Lego winner" behind his bookshelf turned out be little Lego trophy cup. Not knowing word trophy he'd extrapolated word thing can win And then, just now, he held up his empty milk container and said Mummy s not rubbish s allowed be bottle meaning, effectively want this. Don't throw away But an adult ear, there's something

Quick Tumblr Post On Kids' Language Struggles

A for effort.
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invigorating sassy tumblr posts | official-estonia If having bad day, remember 16th century Baltic Germans dressed like this: illustration of people dressed in pastel colored robes that cover them completely. officialunitedstates wife is pregnant, due any day suddenly contractions start "CAN'T, WON'T HAVEN'T, DON'T, ISN'T" she says mememic-bry "doc appears contractions are worsening nurse says between breaths wife gasps and screeches Y'ALL'D'VE"

17 Invigorating Tumblr Posts That'll Just Speak To You

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | -blackfoot-contessa Follow Watching commercials first time while, andI am laughing at little 'filmed before covid' disclaimers at bottom ones showing parties and bars and social gatherings garbage-empress Follow [scene at social gathering do not attempt 2,257 notes

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (August 4, 2020)

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A quick and funny Tumblr thread imagines Tolkien and CS Lewis beefing | lesbianrey Follow hi tolkien here are my ocs call them Elves (not elfs if call them elfs will block they look like humans but they're tall, live forever, and have pointy ears s bye katobleps Follow cs lewis: are alright with constructive criticism dont want sound mean tolkien: no go ahead want hear cs lewis: they fucking suck tolkien: thats not constructive criticism 788 51 Comments Like Comment Share lazytechsupport

Quick Tumblr Thread Imagines J.R.R. Tolkien And C.S. Lewis Beefin

And then it actually got real.
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A collection of funny moments from the minds of people on Tumblr | xtraterrestrials my personal curse is knowledge function best with rigid structure and strict routine but am almost totally incapable independently establishing or maintaining structure and routine curlyfrywho Don't forget this special feature: at same time hating people tell do | cherenigans: do think whoever designing default netflix avatar made mistake somewhere but just sat there laughing at result so long whole design team

Totally Random And Hilarious Tumblr Nuggets

Netflix did pull a weird move with those avatars.
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Girl finds shark on the beach, and then yeets it back into the ocean | love going walks at night, especially there's clear sky, so age sixteen, would go few miles up beach around midnight most nights. One night, while still about mile our house saw something rolling surf s either plastic bag caught on log thought Or four foot shark jogged over not plastic bag caught on log shark moving and didn't appear be hurt, but caught water only an inch or so deep, being pushed higher with every wave by

Girl Discovers Shark On Beach, Throws It Back Into Ocean

There should be an animated short for this.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned 2020 america usa | couldnt-think funny-name got lot beef with concept dust. absolutely no reason something get dirty just because nothing has touched bullshit

Top Tumblr Posts And Tidbits From The Past Week

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Wholesome helpful neighbor Tumblr story | keuhkopussirotta first doing laundry my new home building spontaneously threw shirt wearing there as well because frankly only do laundry l've run out clean clothes and shirt last had sitting there, shirtless, studying washing machine person whose laundry had been here last came retrieve his own. Casually, trying act like my shirtlessness nothing out ordinary asked him if clothes drying up on line were his. He confused, and realised he not fluent

Tumblr Story: Wholesome Neighbor Is Helpful for No Reason

See, people can be nice to each other.
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Tumblr users go all in on a conversation about The Incredibles | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try

Tumblr Users Analyze "The Incredibles" To Oblivion

Such a good movie.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | pyrlspite tumblr is like wading through everyone else's garbage until find something good and go "ah. this is good" and take and display own garbage pile trukingofskeletonhell Goblin Market Source: pyrlspite 103,144 notes

Funny Tumblr Posts And Tidbits For Your Scrolling Pleasure

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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | think 's universal truth everyone our generation takes pluto's losing its planetary status as personal offense yes pluto is smaller than russia. why did ever even consider planet? BECAUSE 'S PART OUR SOLAR SYSTEM OHANA MEANS FAMILY OHANA MEANS NO ONE IS LEFT HIND

Funny Tumblr Posts And Tidbits For Your Scrolling Pleasure

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A quick and funny Tumblr post about common American sayings | themightyglamazon ACCURATE one--all-plus-ultra If they say they're peachy means they're tired existence drneverland If they say "Living dream means "please kill hate my job so, so much."

Quick Tumblr Post On Common American Sayings

Too real.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | schmergo Follow Isn't suspicious sexiest man alive is always already celebrity feel like they're really not plumbing depths their research. Like, imagine if got Sexiest Man Alive edition People and orthodontist on front cover and were like Oh PHEW guess not only one who sees 4,903 notes

Entertaining Tumblr Posts To Eliminate Boredom

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A collection of funny posts about various stomach-turning, cursed food items.

Cursed Food Creations From The Shadow Realm

Yeah, hard pass for me on these.
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A funny Tumblr thread about fruits being named after colors | weaver-z Follow Ænzo @dolphin_dom Fun fact: blueberries are only fruit named after color rinasawayana dolphin_dom star fruit?

Tumblr Thread On Fruits And Colors Spirals Out Of Control

Oh no, say it ain't so.
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Funny tumblr posts | paper-mario-wiki u ever think about ur skeleton is always wet cockyhorror wish never had but thanks ruining my life httpdemonics don 't worry! there will come time s not cockyhorror Thanks! Even worse | yungterra Egg Recipe Difficulty: egg Time: egg Ingredients: egg eight whole egg Step one: put eight egg on plate Step two: look at all those egg Step three: congratuleggtion

40 Weird & Funny Tumblr Posts To Spice Up Your Monotonous Life

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