

It's time to get some exercise. Stretch those legs, get yourself going today, don't let yourself become one with the couch. Enjoy some of these hilarious high-tempo puns and jokes that will have you gasping for breath.

A Good Exercise Plan Gone Wrong

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There's an App for Your Crushing Lack of Productivity!

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Via Brown Cardigan


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Created by norwegiantwin

I Hate Sleep-Saving-The-World-With-Magical-Critters

dream exercise - 8053895936
Created by Cheechlez15

Finally Someone Who Got Peer Pressured Into Doing HEALTHY Things

exercise running shame - 6376441344

Calories Aren't the Only Thing He's Burning


New Year, New D'oh

twitter exercise reaction - 8422053376
Via Acid Cow

How Does This Happen?

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Running Does the Body Good

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Conflict of Interest

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Created by fluhhh

So Much for That New Year's Resolution

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Via jreenfin

Not the Best Comparison, Bro

bros fitness exercise - 4662637824
Created by Fetzy

Tellin' It Like It Is

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Created by Unknown

A Healthy Dose of Fitness Motivation (No Pun Intended)

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Facebook, You Devil You!

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Created by kida97
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