
A collection of tweets describing Twitter users' worst dates they've ever been on | Conor Horgan @ConorHorgan Replying mrnickharvey very first thing she did on sitting down take out small glass bottle and started spooning syrupy liquid into her mouth Homeopathy lasked, heart sinking No powerful sedative-hypnotic drug she replied If don't take l'd be hysterical right now.

Twitter Users' Worst Dates Ever

that escalated quickly FAIL Video dating - 83885313

Guy Attempts to Pull off Used Condom Prank on Girlfriend, and Things Violently Escalate

Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary


Girl Tells Hilarious Story About Crazy Injury She Suffered Through Sex, Using Snapchat and Memes to Sweet Perfection

A funny petty revenge story about how sapphires aren't a Karen's best friend | r/pettyrevenge u/rosexknight Sapphires aren't Karen's best friend. Not my story but my cousin's. Let's call him Dave. So Dave (34M dating Karen really long time (like 4 years) and earlier this year he finally proposed. Now, Karen bit gold digger and very entitled person. She bit white trailer trash but fancied herself rich lady. She VERY vocal all other women family about she wanted traditional diamond ring

Petty Revenge Tale: Sapphires Enrage Karen

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A Real Kodak Moment of Stealing the Spotlight

Man misunderstands his girlfriend and ends up breaking up with her for no reason | r/tifu u/ManicSheep TIFU by temporarily breaking up with my Dutch Girlfriend after declaring my love M This happened about 7 years ago am South African and dating Dutch girl at time those who don't know my home language (Afrikaans) and Dutch are pretty similar. Linguistically speaking have about 70% overlap vocabulary (words) however meaning same word both languages sometimes mean

Language Misunderstanding Results In Accidental Breakup

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Watch This Dude Lose Ring during His Failed Marriage Proposal Attempt, in Front of Millions of People

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Kinda Harsh When Her Husband Made Some Simple Geography Mistakes, This Wife Wasn't Surprised

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Reply 'Never, Neckbeard' to Stop Receiving Unwanted, Unprofessional Texts

FAIL cringe conversation texting messaging dating - 1369605

Crazy Insecure Dude Messages Girl Demanding to Hear If He's Attractive, and Things Spiral out of Control Quickly

guy trolls men who think they're texting a woman

Girl Keeps Giving This Poor Guy's Number Out to Thirsty Dudes, But He's Handling the Situation Beautifully

People react on Twitter to a douchebag's terrible date.

People Are Enraged Over This Douchebag's Reaction to a Hellish Date

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Guy Fails Post-Wedding Proposal, Pukes His Guts Out Everywhere

Examples of people that were cheating on their partners getting caught and called out on social media.

28 People That Got Caught Cheating and Experienced Brutal Karma Afterwards


Wrong Head Was Doing All the Thinking Here