
People describe their worst first dates and they are maxed out on cringe.

People Describe Top 10 Worst Dates They've Ever Suffered Through

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Russell Wilson Took a Stab At Creative Writing to Express His Love and Ended Up Just Using the First Thing He Googled

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At Least Let Me Buy You a Drink First

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How to Find Out if Your Girlfriend is Competitive and a Good Driver in the First Lap

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So That is What Dental Dams Are Really For, Right?

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Girl Keeps Giving This Poor Guy's Number Out to Thirsty Dudes, But He's Handling the Situation Beautifully

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Girl Gets Ghosted By Her Boyfriend, Finds Out Through Devastating Search It's Cause He Was On Run From Cops

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Guy Eats a Boatload of Adderall and Then Goes on Tinder Rampage with DMing All of His Matches

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Looks Like This Guy is Getting Engaged to a Fish Now

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Guy Documents Aftermath of His Breakup with Series of Sarcastic Snapchats


Guy Tries to Prank Girlfriend and Things Go Absolutely Terribly

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Chinese Couple Floods the Street with Awkwardness as a Dude Begs for Second Chance

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British Teens Try Pick Up Lines on Selena Gomez and She Reveals Her Brush-Off Move

A collection of tweets describing Twitter users' worst dates they've ever been on | Conor Horgan @ConorHorgan Replying mrnickharvey very first thing she did on sitting down take out small glass bottle and started spooning syrupy liquid into her mouth Homeopathy lasked, heart sinking No powerful sedative-hypnotic drug she replied If don't take l'd be hysterical right now.

Twitter Users' Worst Dates Ever

Date flips out when she realizes that she has to pay for her own food | Hey, wann go out tonight? After did last time expect go out with again? Wow have done??9 made pay my own food and drink while paid only yours wtf

Date Has To Pay For Her Own Food, Flips Out

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Guy Proposes to Girlfriend on Kiss Cam, Gets Interrupted at the Worst Time Possible