After 12


Here to take a dump? Toilet jokes, memes ,and everything in between will provide you with hours of mirth while you snicker behind your hand. So whether your humor is already as dirty as the flush handle, or you're looking to expand outwards, this hilarious toilet humor will have you chuckling in no time.

Wine Bottles Are Tough

bottle wine toilet funny after 12 g rated - 8364568320
Via Maker's Mark Is My S**t

Woo Girls Are Too Trusting

bathroom internet puking toilet vomiting woo girls - 5812946688
Created by djrcreative

Crunk Critters: Downward Spiral

crunk critters party hat pugs sick toilet - 5077712128

What Did You Drink?!

puke bathroom toilet - 6760211712
2 3 4 5 6

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