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Askreddit thread about shady and sketchy secrets from various professions | hopefulcynicx 9h markup on glasses (specifically frames) is stupid ridiculous can buy frame 4, then turn around sell 160. Lenses too lenses cost us under $10 can easily be marked up 100 mean business is business but taking advantage people who can't see is sorta shitty lol Reply 950

30+ People Share Shady Secrets From Their Industries

People will do anything for money.
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A petty revenge about a coworker snitching on an employee for being late | r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings 2y Join say only called boss out concern my well being? Well being called him had follow suit few weeks ago, my coworker (CW negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails some our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So did him solid (or so thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him he did wrong very next night, he did

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Just don't be a snitch.
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Cringe, Funny Cringe, Funny Memes, Social Media, Facebook, Reddit, Facepalm, Funny Comments, Cringetopia | collected all legs roaches live my house and finally created my masterpieces y these are jumbo flying roach legs are now sale they're itchy but cute | Weed adaed Tolaze itl Ph?c-An 47 minutes ago Like A2 man did u photoshop ur eyes Dominik No photoshop, only quality weed my friend

20+ Cringeworthy & Eye-roll Inducing Internet Moments

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A tenant manages to get some inconsiderate and loud neighbors fined | r/pettyrevenge u/gloriaj10 Getting My Neighbors Fined my previous apartment lived on bottom floor with two roommates girls who lived above were really noisy, playing loud music at all hours night. Music doesn't really affect much but my roommates really annoying. They called and one office workers asked them quiet down as there complaint couple days later heard really loud thumping and jumping my ceiling can handle

Tenant Gets Inconsiderate, Stomping Neighbors Fined

They shouldn't have sunk that low.
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People describe their wildest butterfly effect situations from small decisions | lulun97 6h 3 4 Awards sent friend secondary school (who had huge crush on message saying happy birthday couple years after left school. Did whole have catch up soon thing, not expecting much. He replied with about Monday saw him Monday coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing ever happened My friends joke queen escaping friendzone

Craziest Butterfly Effects From People's Small Decisions

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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An AskReddit thread about people that actually love their jobs | jarofherb 11h get paid an excessive amount deliver excessively priced appliances extremely excessively well funded occupants Lake Tahoe. Like 90 job is just going on an amazing drive.

People That Love Their Jobs

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People describe various downsides to being an adult in an AskReddit thread | soundecember Award ordering food is actually expensive and parents weren't lying

Total Downsides About Being An Adult

Adulting ain't all it's made out to be.
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Truck drivers share some of their creepiest experiences from time out on the road | I had driven maybe 30 miles out into the farm land when hail started bouncing off my truck, being a MS native I knew in July hail meant tornado. I pull off to the side (I'm in the middle of no where no lights to be seen no cars behind or infront of me) and start looking for the storm/ tornado I believe is approaching. I rolled the passenger window down and shined a bright flashlight off into the night. Nothing

Truck Drivers' Spookiest Experiences

Best to read with the lights on.
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Employee decides to play their aces after being confronted by their company | r/MaliciousCompliance u/technos All getting is half hour, tops. L Years ago one my employer's clients decided set up new office Fort Wayne, Indiana, and got chosen spend three weeks there getting new space set up. Also chosen job guy another division's Chicago office, Dave.

Employee Plays Their Aces When Confronted By Company

Dave ended up being a gem.
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Wholesome, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Faith In Humanity, Random Acts of Kindness | Gus Constantellis @ConstantlyGus exercising on my balcony and someone stopped at red light got out their car and started working out with did jumping jacks, pointed at each other, and laughed. He got back his car and drove off most human connection l've had 17 days | Panda caretakers disguise teach baby panda live wild.

20+ Loving People Who Restored Our Faith In Humanity

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Karen threatens an employee with a write-up, and proceed to get a lesson in management | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/Ancient_Ice 1y Join Front Desk Manager Threatens with write-up, and she gets lesson management. Long Backstory working as night auditor at front desk, now those don't know night auditor is like an accounting job balance all paperwork before accounting gets balance every department Restaurant, Bar, Dance Club, conference center, etc. So, our job critical be done correctly every night

Karen Threatens Employee With Write-Up, Gets Lesson In Management

Karen was out of control.
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A crazy boss tries to overwork an employee, doesn't compensate them, and ends up regretting it | r/MaliciousCompliance u/WatanabeSama 1d Join Crazy boss tries make work more than anyone, but doesn't want pay accordingly L First, some info and backstory: Minimum wage Brazil R$954,00/month 180,00/month nowadays Back May 2017 started working companny as 2D designer Intern. 2 months later started working hourly, but with some benefits started making R$ 1500,00/month 280,00/month).

Crazy Boss Tries To Overwork Employee, Doesn't Pay Accordingly, Regrets It

Crazy boss shouldn't have played that game.
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Karen demands that a perfect stranger work a shift for a store they don't work for. | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor 5h Join 3 Karen demands work shift store don't work XL Few weeks ago woken by phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding work weekend don't even work them or retail matter. This is all went down:

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

You've got the wrong person, Karen.
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