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Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

A petty revenge about a coworker snitching on an employee for being late | r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings 2y Join say only called boss out concern my well being? Well being called him had follow suit few weeks ago, my coworker (CW negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails some our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So did him solid (or so thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him he did wrong very next night, he did

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Just don't be a snitch.
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Employee decides to play their aces after being confronted by their company | r/MaliciousCompliance u/technos All getting is half hour, tops. L Years ago one my employer's clients decided set up new office Fort Wayne, Indiana, and got chosen spend three weeks there getting new space set up. Also chosen job guy another division's Chicago office, Dave.

Employee Plays Their Aces When Confronted By Company

Dave ended up being a gem.
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A business associate won't pay off his personal loan, so he gets his house taken | r/ProRevenge u/TheBreakUp2013 4h Join Business Associate Won't Pay His Personal Loan, So Take His House This happened 13 years ago, but details remain as clear as average post-COVID day is long background, l'm an attorney and have experience commercial lending business associate who had struck out on his own real estate development company approached about borrowing substantial sum money (low 6-figures had but

Business Associate Won't Pay Personal Loan, Gets House Taken

The man was destined for self destruction.
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Karen demands that a perfect stranger work a shift for a store they don't work for. | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor 5h Join 3 Karen demands work shift store don't work XL Few weeks ago woken by phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding work weekend don't even work them or retail matter. This is all went down:

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

You've got the wrong person, Karen.
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This Tweet Is On Fire

fire Reddit tweet - 4928711168
Askreddit thread about shady and sketchy secrets from various professions | hopefulcynicx 9h markup on glasses (specifically frames) is stupid ridiculous can buy frame 4, then turn around sell 160. Lenses too lenses cost us under $10 can easily be marked up 100 mean business is business but taking advantage people who can't see is sorta shitty lol Reply 950

30+ People Share Shady Secrets From Their Industries

People will do anything for money.
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Funny memes, tweets, and tumblr posts collected from Reddit, r/brandnewsentence | Molly Hodgdon @Manglewood His kiss slow, but firm and unyielding like an old man backing his Lincoln Town OCar over handicapped parking sign. | Dylan Sprouse @dylansprouse Happy two year anniversary. Here's us looking more alike with each passing year until single beast with four arms and four legs runs at top speed 50mph and screams like baboon at nearby travelers trespassing into our woods many more!

Creative Posts From Internet Poets

Move over, Shakespeare.
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A choosing beggar assumes helpful stranger will pay for new computer.

Choosing Beggar Asks For Computer Help, Assumes Stranger Will Pay For It

That spiraled out of control quickly.
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People describe the various ways that they managed to troll their bosses without breaking the rules | SergeantKoopa 8y couple friends mine work at Wal-Mart. They found out kilts are well within dress code as long as they are correct color. Drove their managers nuts s been year and absolutely no problems though

Ways People Trolled Their Bosses Without Breaking Rules

Bonus points for being so clever.
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Doctor takes revenge on his trainer by opening up offices around him | r/ProRevenge Join u/bleedybutts 2y Uncle bankrupts his previous employer Not sure if this is petty or pro or whatever be judge My uncle is an Indian doctor 90s there massive doctors shortage Australia so government gave him citizenship. Unfortunately still had sit 3 expensive exams work as doctor Australia. These exams cost thousands dollars, only happened twice year, had limited sitting spots/times and had arbitrary

Uncle Bankrupts Previous Mean Employer

Good for this guy.
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Employee gets fired, and then makes company lose around $100K |r/ProRevenge u/hoodlvm fired and made company lose over £100k So l used work at family run builders merchants and trade sales advisor fired bringing up health and safety concerns an email sent manager and fact apparently "unhappy my role did nothing wrong but they still sacked Now worked there had clients had built good relationships with and even become friends with some them. They would get beers and whiskey at

Employee Gets Fired, Makes Company Lose Over $100K

Oh, they got them good.
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Walmart employees describe the strangest things they've witnessed while on the job | gigashadow89 6y My favorite guy who came and said lost remote so need new tv asked him if tv broken wasn't, he just lost remote and didn't want bother finding so he wanted new tv showed him our selection universal remotes he responded with "but then l'd have program new tv comes with preprogrammed remote So sold guy 50 inch tv.

Weirdest Things Walmart Employees Witnessed

Walmart is a magnet for the strange.
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Boss rejects employee's PC upgrade request, so the employee maliciously complies | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Rhelyk 11h Won't get much needed PC upgrade properly do my job? OK make watch work XL run parts room at an independently owned auto body collision repair shop call owners Mr and Mrs Bossman do mostly insurance repairs and always have between 20 and 50 vehicles on-property various states repair, depending on busy are. Once estimate specific vehicle is approved my job is primarily order

Boss Denies Employee's Necessary PC Upgrade, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Congrats on the raise, indeed.
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Dad refuses to accept defeat, so an amusement park employee takes their petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge u/TheGreatPinoy 2y Join work at an amusement park, guests are rude but here's my favourite story work at an amusement park and run games there ones people always assume are rigged but reality just really hard. At my amusement park however have hockey game has 4 targets and have try and hit those targets 60 seconds get prize depending on fast can hit all four. Anyways, this family walks up

Dad Refuses To Accept Defeat, Amusement Park Employee Goes Full Petty

A good old Canadian amusement park.
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Karen threatens an employee with a write-up, and proceed to get a lesson in management | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/Ancient_Ice 1y Join Front Desk Manager Threatens with write-up, and she gets lesson management. Long Backstory working as night auditor at front desk, now those don't know night auditor is like an accounting job balance all paperwork before accounting gets balance every department Restaurant, Bar, Dance Club, conference center, etc. So, our job critical be done correctly every night

Karen Threatens Employee With Write-Up, Gets Lesson In Management

Karen was out of control.
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An employee gets caught by their boss singing "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent in the bathroom.

Embarrassed Employee Caught By Boss Singing "Candy Shop" By 50 Cent In The Bathroom

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