

design fail bathrooms furniture ugly design homes house chairs stairs weird pics bad design funny photos funny pictures ugly graphic design funny home weird apartment - 36946181

'I spent $15,000 on this kitchen... It's been on the market for 415 days': 20 Home design choices that were completely baffling

We all want to take pride in our homes, but these people have made some questionable design choices . From squiggly doorways to furniture that the cat can't wait to scratch, we've collected a whole bunch of utterly bizarre home decorations. Furniture with extra functions is always a selling point for people. But then again, would you really want the stairs that come built-in with drawers? At first, that sounds like a fantastic idea. Who doesn't want extra storage, right? But then again, how do…
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 design fail weird pics bad design funny photos funny pictures funny weird

'[My] car is not usable while updating': 20 Design flaws that were made to bug people

These designs are so bad it's funny (just not to the people discovering their flaws in real time!). As hard as people try to do their creations justice, there are a lot of badly designed things that end up in the world. A lot of people have complaints about this kind of thing. For example, several people had gripes about advertisements where they weren't expecting to see them. Like imagine you pay thousands of dollars for a TV… only for the TV to advertise games and shows to you at the bottom o…
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Entitled neighbor puts signs up in his front yard to fear monger woman into perfectly manicuring her front lawn, woman is seeking payback and needs ideas

Angry neighbor puts up threatening signs directed at woman's lawn because he doesn't approve of her lawn's up-keep, woman seeks payback to combat his entitlement

"When I pull into my driveway, I see a big red sign that says ‘(my address) MAINTAIN YOUR PROPERTY, LOOK AROUND, EVERYONE ELSE DOES. TOWN TAKE NOTICE.’"
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Man is fed up with entitled neighbors' notion that their neighborhood streets are reserved for children, he can barely drive down a road without children sitting in the street

Entitled neighbors release Facebook PSA claiming ‘the streets are [their] children's playground’, man is fed up when he is at a constant stop driving in his neighborhood

"Children and toddlers run the roads here, and the parents encourage it."
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Entitled neighbor ridiculously requests man to do her laundry after her machines break, this happens non-stop for 3 months before he decides to set boundaries

‘Stupid me said ok’: Neighbor expects man to do her laundry every week after her washing machine breaks, he considers buying her a new washing machine to make it stop

"What happens now is that for the last 3 months I’ve been doing her dirty laundry, and she had the audacity to ask me to wash her clothes in the sink with a natural soap because my machine is giving her allergies according to her."
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Entitled neighbor demands family to extend their wall, claims there are "Rivers" in her backyard even though this might be because she refuses to clear out her drainage ditch

Entitled neighbor demands family to extend the wall between their homes or she'll report them to the city, despite the family already having replaced the rotted wall

"We live on a street with no sidewalks, so everyone has ditches for drainage. She never cleans her despite having huge trees dropping sticks and leaves into it, so her yard floods when it rains. She's blaming us for that."
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Entitled neighbor uses 300 GB worth of new tenants high-speed data in two weeks, asked for the Wi-fi password before formally introducing herself

‘We had never spoken [before]’: Neighbor greets new tenant for the first time by asking for their Wi-fi password, uses over 300 GB worth of their data in just two weeks

What do you do when your neighbor expects to use your Wi-fi for free?
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 design fail bathrooms furniture ugly design cleaning clean living room lamp house design sink weird pics kitchen bad design funny photos funny pictures ugly graphic design funny weird

'I am sure that the creator has never washed a glass in his life': 20+ Things that are way too hard to clean

As if a household wasn't already hard enough to keep clean , these people are living life on challenge mode. They've acquired some items of beauty that are just way too difficult to clean! Sometimes you can't help but buy that gorgeous item you see at the store, only to be hit later with a big dose of buyer's remorse. Maybe you saw a cutesy lamp that you later realized is not your style at all, or perhaps you picked out a coffee table only to realize you cringe when you see it. It happens to al…
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Homeowner is being asked to front entire $2000 cost of fixing a ‘shared driveway’ by neighbor, refuses to pay entire fee because other neighbors also use the space

Neighbor demands homeowner to front entire $2000 out-of-pocket cost for laying down asphalt in a ‘shared driveway’, despite the fact that other neighbors also use the land

"He seems to be expecting this money from us. We are willing to pay a portion but I personally feel swindled."
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Entitled evil neighbor reports man for his grass's height and proceeds to spray them with weed whacker, despite that product having made his dog sick prior

Man's entitled neighbor reports him for his lawn's grass height, then begins using weed eliminator spray all over his side of their shared fence: ‘She's with the city, she has more power’

His dog fell ill the last time he used weed eliminator spray.
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Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

People say that haggling is a skill that can be very beneficial to learn and master, but they don't say that there is a specific time and place one should use this skill. It is certainly not suitable for every business, and one should know when it is acceptable to try and haggle a lower price for something, and when they should accept the price they are given in the first place. A farmer's market, is the perfect place to haggle for a price, and you can sometimes get really great deals on produc…
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FAILS hilarious haha funny posts random sold facebook funny facebook marketplace weird selling - 36509189

27 Hilarious Facebook Marketplace Fails That Are Priceless

Dive into the world of the hilarious Facebook marketplace fails! If you're familiar with the platform, you know that most of the listings consist of typical furniture items and clothing, you know, normal things you'd find at a second-hand store. But it's also Facebook. So you have to be prepared for the random one-off listings that you can't tell if the seller is serious or just trying to make a joke. Either way, it keeps you entertained for long enough until you find yourself doom-scrolling...
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ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36346629

‘I want petty revenge’: Woman's neighbor constantly trespasses on her property and installs security cameras pointing directly at her window, authorities get involved

When your neighbor complains to your mother about how you need to mow your grass, you might have a situation on your hands.
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'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had weird days at work

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had memorably weird days at work

Some days at work are more memorable than others. Just think about it: there are probably hundreds of days of work, or life in general, that pass by mundanely, never to be remembered again. The human brain just isn't meant to remember every second of every day. But those memorable days at work can really stick with you! The 1,000+ people replying to this person's r/AskReddit question had a few memorably weird work days to share, ranging from oddities to entire days that were completely derailed…
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'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

Graphic design is not these people's passion. And that's okay! They're just regular people making regular signs, for reasons such as “don't park in front of this trash can.” Oh wait… we also have a few professional signs in here too. They're quite hard to read, yet they can be found in restaurants or in advertisements. I think sometimes the graphic designers will make a sign, and their client keeps picking at it. They want it to be prettier or more attention-grabbing. So the artist reworks it a…
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Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

Everyone wants to know what tricks they can use to try and rig the system, especially if it means they can save money. It doesn't matter who is on the other side of that exchange, as long as you come out better on the other side, right? Well, no. As fun as it can be to find little ways to “save” money, there is a clear line between using acceptable little tricks to spend less money or get better deals, and actually lying and cheating others. The hotel guest in this Reddit story tried to rig the…
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