

What's your unpopular food opinion?

'Cornbread is overrated': 20 Fail Blog fans share their most unpopular food opinions

“Peanut butter goes on chili dogs,” wrote one commenter in reply to this controversial question: What's your unpopular food opinion?
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craigslist online living room art sellers facebook facebook marketplace weird buyers - 19535877

Confounding Craigslist: 30 Online sellers who believe their trash is treasure

A plastic bag, a handful of rocks, and random scrap paper drawings are all among the items that people tried to sell on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
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What do you miss most about being a kid?

'I miss being in school concerts': 30+ Fail Blog fans reminisce about childhood's best and worst moments

Childhood can be a wonderful time full of carefree play time and roaming the outdoors . We asked our Facebook audience what they miss most about their own time as a kid, and the answers were quite varied and often wholesome! Lots of people reflected on the time they spent with parents, grandparents, and other family members . What could be better than waking up with zero responsibilities and all the time in the world to play with your friends? Some of you reminisced on the magical ways that you…
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'He disguised himself as a client and came to my office for therapy': Fail Blog Fans share the last time they saw their ex!

'He disguised himself as a client and came to my office for therapy': Fail Blog Fans share the last time they saw their ex!

We asked you all about the last time you bumped into your ex and here were some of your great responses!
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30+ Funny moments of failure that people actually shared publicly for everyone to see

30+ Funny moments of failure that people actually shared publicly for everyone to see

Oh, you did something awkward? Time to share it with your 8000 closest friends on social media! These people below are unashamed, thriving, living their most embarrassing lives right out in public. It's easy enough to shoot off a quick Snap story to your friends or followers. I feel bad for the guy who accidentally sliced off half his hair just in time for his very first day of class. That's not quite the right impression you want to give! I also feel for the woman who was shaving her legs and…
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"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

It's 2023, and a lot of us are more addicted to social media, streaming services, or YouTube than we'd probably care to admit. We'll take anything and everything — all at once — as long as it saves us from having a single thought enter our head that will lead us to reflect on our own existence. The buzzing hum of constant stimulation provides us with the means necessary to fill the void left by whatever our lives used to be. Unfortunately, despite the constant urge to check the reason behind th…
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Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

'You're crazy': Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

Back in his day, kids used to walk to school uphill both ways — backward, with their legs tied together and while balancing a razor-sharp scimitar atop their head. Apparently, these entrepreneurial youths also used to knock on people's doors during blizzards and sub-zero temperatures in order to offer their shoveling services for a fiver… Next, they'll be telling us that Minecraft is evidence that the children yearn for the mines . It might be frightfully cold out, but that didn't stop this ent…
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What do you call the end piece of bread?

30+ People share different culture's names for that 'end piece of the bread', a surprising amount of cultures have the same idea

If you needed proof that all cultures have something in common: This is it. As it turns out, that end piece of crusty bread is regarded in a similar, if not identical, way in each culture. Forever an outcast, or as the Scottish put it: an outsider, that end piece of bread is regarded by all to be an inferior or unwanted portion, earning names like 'The Mother-in-Law,' the 'Butt' 'Boss,' 'Heel,' 'Nob'; all terms being derogatory, unwanted, and utterly dreadful, dirty things. This is a topic that…
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Male Karen "friend" who will not be getting a Happy Birthday from me

Attention-Seeking Male Karen Removes Friends Who Didn't Wish Him a Happy Birthday From Facebook

Dude, you just want attention!
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Karen straight up wants to call the cops because of a Facebook post 🙄

'You're scamming [...] I'll be contacting the police too': Facebook Karen gets upset that someone's post got more likes, threatens to report her

Is there anything more dangerous than a Karen on social media?
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Funniest Craigslist Fails We've Seen This Week

Most Delusional People this Week on Craigslist : Ask For Deliriously Funny Amounts of Money for Old, Weird or Crazy Items

Either people are just that stupid, or these are an illusion
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facebook, drama, karen, public freakout, freakout, karen story, storytime, boomer, inappropriate, dress, outfit, catholic, catholic church, bad taste

Catholic Karen Lashes Out at 'Revealing' Photos of a Woman Posing in Her Gala Dress

Her entire knee is showing
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childcare crazy mother failbook facebook mom karen choosing beggar hun - 17817349

Insane Choosing Beggar Wants to Pay Less Than $3/Hr For Childcare

A single mother posted this message to a Facebook group, requesting a childcare provider capable and willing to work for less than $3 an hour. The concerning thing here is that the poster is quick to share all of the problems that they are currently dealing with as justification for paying such a miserably low rate. Yet, not once do they take any ownership for any part of their situation. Every problem they have is described as being the fault of something/someone other than themselves. These s…
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antiwork employee mother workplace Horrible Bosses employment failbook facebook - 17430277

Insane Manager Tells Mother She Can't Miss Work to Stay With Her Dying Child, Gets Fired

Commenters say she was fired shortly after this went viral.
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trashy drama cringe failbook facebook cheating family - 16200453

Trashy Family Cheating Scandal Emerges on Facebook Sale for Baby Bassinet, Cringey Public Feud Ensues

People like this actually exist?
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failbook facebook Cats vitamix - 16173061

Woman Pleads For Spare Box From Vitamix After Cats Claim Blender as Their Own

If it fits. I sits.
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