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From Punching Cameras to Swinging Umbrellas: Why you should support celebrities defending their personal privacy

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'My parents missed my important event': Parents choose air show over daughter's celebrity contest win, family friend calls them out

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'If she got caught she’d likely be in some big trouble': Guy accidentally gets friend fired for looking up information on celebrities

20+ Unhealthy Obsessions

'Celebrity Worship' and 20+ Other Unhealthy Obsessions That Are Too Real

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

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'Your entitlement is clouding your judgment': Mother calls celebrity rude for refusing to take a photo with her daughter, gets put in her place by the internet

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'Cut to an hour later, still no Olivia': Chef recalls their infuriating experience serving actress/director Olivia Wilde

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Viggo Mortensen Cooly Speaking Seven Languages

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Karl Urban's Infamous Prank On Viggo Mortensen

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Tom Hanks Recognizes Old Bank Where He'd Cash Unemployment Checks

Servers that have waited on celebs describe their experiences.

Servers That Have Waited On Celebs Share Their Experiences

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Will Ferrell Crashes Ryan Reynold's TikTok Performance

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Ashton Kutcher's GameDay Appearance Gets Drowned Out By Obnoxious Fans

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Waterworld: Or In Defense of Rich Actor’s Insane Self-Funded Passion Project

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Jon Favreau Makes Sinfully Delicious Looking Grilled Cheese

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