
Make sure to check the tape, just make sure its not Spinal Tape. We might never get rid of that. Take your puns to the next level with these sticky puns and jokes all about tape.

1099689 boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank cute half-assed Jello lazy nice prank Sad sass sculpture snacks stapler tape the office Uncategorized unoriginal wiseass - 3422963200


foil Image newspaper office prank prank tape trick Video - 5324031488

Office Prank Friday: At Least You can Use Your Monitor?

awesome funny Image Office package prank tape traffic - 4619534592

Office Traffic Solution

nicolas cage pranks tape - 7229327616

I've Been Caged!

hal Image notes tape - 4257050624

Don't Touch That Dave

creativity dragon funny Image tape - 4299993600

Dragon Tape

Image passive aggressive please signs tape - 4588411904

This One Is Fine Though

tape Paste cut copy scissors eraser Image Uncategorized - 6657145344

Keyboard Shortcuts

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