Monday Thru Friday


Snap a photo, make that online photography class worth something. These punny snaps will have you putting a filter on your latest masterpiece in no time.

I Support You Not Supporting Me Supporting Them, But Also Now You're Supporting Them

funny facebook fails photography supports all love while customer inadvertently makes donation to support them as well
Via mw

A Recession Is the Best Time to Exploit the Labor Market

craigslist Hall of Fame job ad job hunt model photography want ad work - 5282737920

Business Cards: You're Doing Them Right

business card camera photography - 6096276224


art background boredom boring clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration desktop desktop wallpaper hardware ingenuity passive aggressive photography photoshop sneaky unoriginal wallpaper wiseass work smarter not harder - 3659235328
Created by Colby

It Scares The Scientists

g rated monday thru friday Photo photography sign - 5948045568

Always shoot in RAW. Always.

bear curious nature photographer camera
Via Kootenay Reflections

Standard Workspace of the Crazy Cat Lady

photography work Cats monday thru friday g rated - 8003505920

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