Monday Thru Friday

paper signs


awful bathroom comic sans disgusting feces gnar gross janitor mess paper signs passive aggressive pwned request Sad signage toilet toilet graffiti toilet paper tragedy wipe wiseass - 3702816256


art basic instructions boredom cartoons creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cute decoration doodle food fridge battle fridge politics note office kitchen paper signs sass signage stolen Terrifying theft thief threat violence wiseass - 3939316736
Created by Unknown


basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration depressing dickhead co-workers fridge politics hardware kill me lazy office kitchen official sign paper signs passive aggressive plumber Sad sass screw you signage sink wiseass - 3632546816
Created by Rick Wilson


basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank dickhead co-workers dickheads gross mess paper signs passive aggressive poop prank pwned Sad sass signage sneaky Terrifying wiseass - 3352962560


awesome co-workers not boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank dickhead co-workers jealousy mess paper signs passive aggressive prank rage sass screw you vacation wiseass - 3246596096
Created by Abbey

Excel At Making Videogame Characters

basic instructions bathroom boredom busted clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle fail cubicle prank depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads ergonomics excel ingenuity mega man mess paper signs rage Sad sass screw you spreadsheet tragedy video games wasteful wiseass - 3421181440
Created by


basic instructions bathroom cubicle fail cubicle rage ged gross mess paper signs passive aggressive Protest Sad sass screw you signage toilet graffiti typo - 3231129856
Created by Richard


awesome co-workers not basic instructions broken condiments cubicle fail fridge fridge politics gross lazy mess no respect office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive Sad screw you signage warning work smarter not harder - 3465674752
Created by Spookygirl


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads gross illustration lazy mess paper signs piss piss seat pissing everywhere rage Sad sass screw you signage toilet graffiti - 3402477824
Created by MrQuib


awesome awesome co-workers not boredom chickens clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank epic ergonomics ingenuity mess osha paper signs prank pwned sass screw you win wiseass - 3326515712

Chair Explained

assinine awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom chair cubicle boredom dickheads Gravity hardware paper signs passive aggressive ridiculous sass screw you signage wiseass - 3511913472
Created by Guardian_Bob

But Still Employed For Some Reason...

awesome co-workers not basic instructions cubicle fail cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dry erase board dry erase markers dumb hardware lazy marker paper signs rage Sad sass screw you signage - 3942353664


boredom coffee creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom dickhead co-workers instructions mug office kitchen osha paper signs sass screw you signage wiseass work smarter not harder - 3454127360
Created by Jeb

Fire Free

art basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle rage dickheads email fire help desk homicide it lazy official sign osha paper signs passive aggressive rage sass screenshot screw you signage wiseass work smarter not harder - 3489863680
Created by Rasley


awesome co-workers not basic instructions cubicle rage dickheads lazy office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive rage rant recycle recycling sass screw you signage styrofoam Terrifying threats wasteful water cooler - 3330547456
Created by Dewey


basic instructions clever dont-touch museum mystery official sign paper signs sass sculpture signage - 3358157824

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