Monday Thru Friday


nice wholesome memes to feel good | accomplishing basic adult responsibilities and being proud myself doing my best rat pushing a miniature shopping cart with a single egg in it | Has bee ever landed on and instead being scared appreciate possibility got confused flower

Wholesome Memes To Deploy Those Feels

Yes, very nice.
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unfair manager threatens staff with write up and they all walk out | O r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Blewyouremyboy 10 hours ago O 9 10 3 10 9. Work double and get written up or oc M high school few friends and myself worked at local chain restaurant were fully able run day shift but had never really broken down equipment and closed up evening. One particular night few night shift had called sick were asked pull double and close restaurant, which did. Essentially worked 10a.m. until after mi

Unfair Manager Threatens Staff, They All Walk Out

That's gotta feel nice.
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funny and relatable work memes | My favorite part Star Wars Darth Vader lost his cool during staff meeting and started choking co-worker.

Work Memes for the Hustle as Well as the Bustle

Jobs can be a mixed bag.
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funny memes about working | boss is coming and need pretend doing something person nailing waves to the beach sand | late work winter Michael Jordan crying behind frosted windshield

Work Memes to Help Maintain the Grind

Grab life by the paycheck.
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Funny random memes, funny tweets, relatable memes, dog memes, dank memes, animal memes, sex memes, poop memes | pooping so long automatic bathroom lights turn off bravo six, going dark | Doorbell rings My dogs shitheadsteve

43 Memes To Help Your Day Suck Less

You're welcome.
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Funny lazy unprofessional not my job moments | lovely lady lumpenprole @thelovelylumpen just checking if crow CORVID TESTING OSEPH P KEEFF covid 19 | parked car surrounded by fresh cement

"Not My Job" Moments of Impressive Unprofessionalism

Someone else can get around to that.
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weeks hottest and newest cat memes - thumbnail includes two cat memes - one of orange cat sleeping next to baked goods "proud daddy with his new litter" and one of a kitten sitting inside its food bowl "who keeps puttin' all these lump things in my chair?"

Guiding The Way To Another Caturday

21 Cat Memes
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Funny random memes, relatable memes, dumb memes, nerdy memes | IF YOU LOOK REALLY CLOSELY SEE 2 CLOWNS STARING AT EACH OTHER | going my room after starting political argument at dinner table Kingsman

48 Tasty Meme Treats For Restless Eyes

Flex those scrolling muscles.
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The Bus Mocks Your Pain

monday thru friday commute work lol bus - 8147358720
Via Daily Picks and Flicks
adorable and hilarious animal pics and memes - thumbnail  includes two animal memes, one of a round white bunny "this is the ideal male body. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like." and an image of a cute shark peeking over someone's shoulder "Excuse me, Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, Poseidon?"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

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funny tweets, twitter, funny, memes, witty tweets, jokes, fresh tweets, relatable tweets, comedy, lol, covid-19 | Zack Budryk @BudrykZack single most important thing man can do be an ally is give his woman friends permission give dudes at bar his number so they call he can angrily say 's not funny because she died 15 years ago very night

36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

A collection of some of the funniest recent tweets
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Ridiculous customer waits their time for pennies | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Wraith347 7 hours ago Cuss out over pennies? Oh get pennies. oc M Longtime lurker, so thought share my favorite story my time foodservice, years and years ago shy, quiet 15-year-old first started working at certain fast food restaurant my small town. Then encountered general public. Many morning rush customers were super kind regulars who got know and liked. But then there Penny Guy.

Demanding Customer Wastes Their Own Time for Four Cents

Some customers can't be reasoned with.
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funny boss pops out glass eye to deal with annoying customer | Posted by u/Winiri 10 hours ago 2 O 6 20 3 20 9 E 12 My Boss Scared Off Rude Customers by Literally Taking Closer Look oc M used work at store, run by woman named Irene. She would buy vintage and high end items, repair them, and then sell them store didn't have multiple sizes things and only bulk items bought were little trinkets and soaps, sometimes jewelry.

Boss Uses Eye Gag to Remove Problem Customers

Now that's some stellar management.
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Tumblr thread on customers crazy coffee orders | say this jokingly but had customer actually order pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots espresso (also no whip) and asked her verify she did indeed want 9 shots espresso she looked dead eyes and said have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean once had woman come and ordered an Americano with 19 shots espresso drink took ages held up line asked

Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

It's some kind of monster.
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funny tweets and random thoughts and observations | Rads @FeelingEuphoric THERAPIST: listen really need relax banging fists on table BUT CAN BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR | Dan Sheehan ltsDanSheehan Being grandpa must be tough, some baby mispronounces word and suddenly name is Peepo last 30 years life

Funny Tweets To Remember Later and Chuckle Quietly

Ah yes, insignificant yet amusing observations.
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not my job moments | Repair guy did this combat overheating punching holes in a computer | sign billboard MY BOSS SAID PUT SOMETHING UP

Unprofessional "Not My Job" Moments of Failure

Looks good enough.
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