Monday Thru Friday


Though That Was The Sound Of The Police...

emergency escape sign - 4577324800

In Case Of Fire: PILEDRIVE

caution Chart emergency escape fire How To - 4555086592

An Office Safety Essential

awesome emergency FTW notes signs zombie - 4259484160
Created by Concerned citizen

Emergency Drills Are Hard in This Office

monday thru friday emergency work exit - 8195167232
Via Acid Cow


basic instructions boredom clever corny decoration dumb emergency food service instructions kitsch mess official sign restaurant sass screw you signage tacky wiseass - 3851169536
Created by sherrera1980

Covering All The Bases

directions emergency guide halloween - 5353494528
Created by Unknown

If It's a Real Emergency, Adrenaline Will Power You Through

button emergency monday thru friday lock - 8303075072
Via xaxor

Let's Make This Interesting

emergency evacuation fire it - 4531505408
Created by HoratioVitero

Best Heed This Warning

emergency seal - 6715082496
tumblr rant about staff messing with peoples order out of spite

Tumblr Goes into Gory Details of Why You Shouldn't Change a Customer's Order

View List

Scumbag Printer

computers documents emergency Hall of Fame meme printer scumbag Scumbag Steve - 5307975424
Via that radio guy

In Case of Emergency, Panic!

Via danwellman

In Case of Emergency, Time is of the Essence

monday thru friday emergency lock - 8372054016
Via xaxor


animals awesome co-workers not bathroom busted cubicle rage depressing desperate dickhead co-workers dickheads emergency gnar gross hygeine lazy mess nasty paper signs pee piss pissing pissing everywhere prank pwned rage Sad sass savages screw you signage smelly stinky toilet wiseass - 3826685440
Created by Marcus