Monday Thru Friday


The Slowest, Most Droll Way to Go Out

bored powerpoint presentation sleeping - 5382306048

Preparation Time: Hours. Satisfaction: Endless.

bored fall fast food gifs prank trick trip - 5340481536

Great, the Bus Stop Sign's Hurling Disses at Me

bored boring bus stop insult sign - 6078414336

Maybe Work Will Cure My Boredom!

bored bored at work boredom - 6165735168


anthropomorphic art bored boredom cartoons childs play creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration diorama drugs eyes googly eyes hardware office equipment personification sculpture staple remover teeth - 3569008896
Created by uncledoobie


architecture art arts and crafts bored boredom business cards construction creative creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration depressing engineering ingenuity mess recycle recycling Sad sculpture tower wasteful - 3415970048
Created by RhysBB


airplane art arts and crafts bored boredom crappy creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration hardware lonely office supplies plane sculpture shoddy toy tragic arts and crafts wasteful work smarter not harder - 3680063488
Created by Tasteelingus

Not Like You Were Being Productive ON the Internet...

bored Chart crash Hall of Fame internet - 5390270208
Via Pleated Jeans


anthropomorphic bored boredom creativity in the workplace creepy cubicle boredom decoration equipment fan football hardware lights machine shop moustache personification sculpture soccer sports team uniform wiseass world cup - 3674173952

Do This During A Meeting

bored bored at work Hall of Fame meeting - 5945021952

Trogdor the Burninator Is Ripped!

bored clips trogdor - 3986659584
Created by HunterNIU


art bored boredom boxes cardboard cheeky cubicle boredom decoration depressing dickheads dorky dumb hardware labels nothing paper signs passive aggressive pointless Sad sass screw you shelves signage stupid supplies useless warehouse wasteful wiseass - 3674454528
Created by Damfino


anthropomorphic art bored boredom cartoon eyes creativity in the workplace creepy cubicle boredom decoration doodle face hardware imaginary friends personification sculpture so lonely weird - 3885296384

Time to Steal Some More Pens from the Supply Closet

bored broken me gusta okay face pen rage comic - 5303825664

Well That's Depressing

Sad depressing bored monday thru friday g rated - 7016524032


art arts and crafts bored boredom cartoon eyes childish crazy creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration depressing imaginary friends medicine office supplies Sad scotch tape sculpture so lonely staple remover stapler toys tragic arts and crafts wasteful - 3681999104

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