Monday Thru Friday

basic instructions


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom busted crime scene cubicle boredom cubicle fail cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers DNA fridge politics gross hygeine lazy mess office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive sass screw you signage slob slovenly wiseass work smarter not harder - 3629882624
Created by Ckret


basic instructions bathroom dickhead co-workers paper signs passive aggressive pissing everywhere Sad sass signage toilet graffiti - 3126136576


basic instructions bathroom beg depressing dickhead co-workers flush gnar gross jerks lazy mess paper signs plea poop rage Sad screw you signage toilet graffiti - 3919724544
Created by Unknown


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom comic book cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers fridge battle fridge politics hulk office kitchen paper signs rage Sad sass screw you signage wiseass - 3944937984
Created by Unknown


arithmetic basic instructions depressing idiocy lazy math multiplication official sign paper signs passive aggressive prices pricing Sad signage Smokey ugh work smarter not harder - 3695172352
Created by loldongs

Does this mean we can get hazard pay now?

basic instructions dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge politics kill yourself lazy mess microwave office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pig sty Sad sass screw you signage slovenly work smarter not harder - 3242379776


Awkward barfing basic instructions bathroom depressing ergonomics gross hangover osha paper signs signage strange Terrifying toilet toilet graffiti weird wtf - 3456797952
Created by SnowMachine


basic instructions bathroom derp flush handicap kick osha paper signs problem signage toilet toilet graffiti weak work smarter not harder - 3881011200
Created by Anand Naik


accident basic instructions boredom carpet cleanup creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle fail derp mess osha paper signs screw you signage weird wet work smarter not harder - 3874945280


awesome co-workers not basic instructions childish coca cola coke decoration depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads drink fridge battle fridge politics high fructose corn syrup lame office kitchen paper signs plea rage request Sad screw you signage theft wrapping - 3734396160


basic instructions screenshot ugly useless ux windows work smarter not harder - 3757345024


accident basic instructions blue cubicle fail cubicle rage depressing dumb fired hardware hilarious mess printer pwned ruined Sad screw you stain toner wasteful whoops - 3888770816


awesome co-workers not basic instructions broken condiments cubicle fail fridge fridge politics gross lazy mess no respect office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive Sad screw you signage warning work smarter not harder - 3465674752
Created by Spookygirl


apathy awesome balls basic instructions boredom busted clever creativity in the workplace decoration insult lazy prank rant sass stupid wiseass work smarter not harder - 3844768512
Created by KyleShields


basic instructions bathroom cubicle fail dickhead co-workers dickheads ged graffiti gross paper signs passive aggressive Sad signage toilet graffiti typo wiseass - 3235764480
Created by Adam


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom cubicle boredom cubicle rage diabetes idiots obese office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive poison prank pwned Sad sass screw you signage Terrifying vending machine wiseass - 3253906688
Created by svlieger

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