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They're Delightfully Addictive!

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Is There Anything More British Than a News Anchor Awkwardly Trying to Explain Two People in a Compromising Position?

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Just another day at the office for the Nazgul

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Who Run The World? Probably These Two Dancing Teens Dancing to Beyoncé

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Sarah Silverman Has a Ballsy Idea for Closing the Pay Gap... Become a Dude

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Fancy Car Commercials: Not Just For New Cars Anymore

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Introducing the Wireless Vacuum

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This is What International Models Look Like Without Makeup

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From the Marketing Department: the Return of Ferris Bueller

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Bill Nye Calls Out CNN For Having a Meteorologist Denying Climate Change on Live TV

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Donald Trump Ridiculed a Reporter With a Disability, Proving That Donald Trump is a Certified Asshole

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These News Anchors' Reactions to the "Most Desirable Face" is All of Ours

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No Bell, No Service