
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

FAIL windows live tv Video - 217095

Next Clippy Will Pop Up Offering Help With the 10-Day Forecast

colonel sanders kfc Video - 40329217

Colonel Sanders Ain't Into Chicks

work Video - 70326273

7 Joys Of Having A Work BFF

massage Video - 42476545

From the Marketing Department: My Heart Really Goes Out to This Guy

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Watch an Interview With the Guy Who Was (Unsurprisingly) Fired After Leaving This Note

wtf Video - 76782081

Your Christmas Gift From the WWE is This Bad Lip Reading of Wrestling Clips

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Screwed Six Ways From Casual Friday

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Florida Man Threw an Alligator Into a Wendy's Drive Through

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When it's Mail Time Not Even a Hurricane Will Stop This Mailman From Making His Deliveries

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Customers Complain of Being Ripped Off When a Large Coffee Fits Into a Regular Coffee Cup

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Road Rage is a Vicious Cycle

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From the Marketing Department: the Considerate Sooperbowl Commercial

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Office Prank Friday: At Least You can Use Your Monitor?

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It's 2013, and Somehow Somebody Made This Incredibly Racist Law Commercial

Video - 33036545

Twitter must have blown their video budget on things like "making Twitter look awesome"

Video - 31604737

We can probably all sympathize with Jean Ralphio here